P2 Live Forum June 30th: any hosts/topics?

Hey all,
At present we don't have a P2LF scheduled this week, but I'm happy to add one if somebody can host and has a discussion topic. Personally, I'll be immersed in the end-of-year processes at Parallax (inventory, obsolete/excess inventory, job planning, office cleanup). Chip is cleaning up his office from the P2 development cycle (he's discarded several thousand pounds of trash!) and should be done at some point this week. We both think he'll have a clear head and work flow when this is done (Skippy, hint: floating point math object, etc) so we'll afford him a bit of latitude to do his thing. He's also got a bunch of kids headed to camp and he's the cook too
If nobody hosts this week, we'll return with @JonnyMac and BME680 on July 7th!
So, who's interested in running the show this week? And if so, got a topic?
Let me know; we'll support as needed!
Ken Gracey