Code for Arducam OV2640 camera module (also made to work with ov7675 and ov5640)
Got this camera module working with P2:
This FlexSpin C code captures QVGA preview images from camera and displays over VGA to monitor.
It uses the Arducam library from Github to configure the camera over I2C.
In principle, there are many other camera modules that could also use this code.
This particular camera can also transmit image in jpeg format, which could be useful.

Just got the OV7675 working.
Nice thing about this one is that it's very low cost:
Got this ov5640 camera working. This is a much higher quality camera than the two mentioned above.
This is the CAM500B from FriendlyArm:
Unfortunately, the P2 Eval adapter was designed in a way that needs top contacts on the FFC connector with the ffc cable provided with the camera and only have bottom contacts connector on hand.
Was able to make it work by soldering the connector backwards though.
Just noticed this ov5640 breakout on Amazon that should work with the adapter seen in the top post:
This is amazing! I hope I can get it to work too!