Assembly help needed to modify Rotary Encoder
I'm trying to figure out how to set this object (using only one encoder) to a position after the program is already running. Some time back someone gave me a method to make the encoder count backwards by going backwards from AMask [ - 8] and modifying the opcode that was set to add to become sub.
I was wondering if such a method could be done to send in a position and overwrite the position value of the single encoder already running.
If you look at SetDir you can see the method that works to make the encoder count backwards. I tried to use the same idea in SetEncoder to do Amask[11] := 5000 as a test set the value to a value first just to see if it can be modified. This just makes it go crazy. 12, 13 etc no luck. Can anyone think of a way to modify the position remotely by the main program? Thanks for any ideas.
:IPos add 0, Diff 'AMask[-8] ****Add/Sub to encoder position value wrlong 0, MPosAddr 'Write new position to main memory add IPosAddr, #1 'Increment encoder position addresses movd :IPos+0, IPosAddr movd :IPos+1, IPosAddr add MPosAddr, #4
:Next djnz Idx, #:UpdatePos 'Loop for each encoder
jmp #:Sample 'Loop forever
'Define Encoder Reading Cog's constants/variables
AMask long $55555555 'A bit mask
BMask long $AAAAAAAA 'B bit mask
MSB long $80000000 'MSB mask for current bit pair
Pin long 0 'First pin connected to first encoder
TotEnc long 0 'Total number of encoders
'IPosAddr long 16
Idx res 1 'Encoder index
St1 res 1 'Previous state
St2 res 1 'Current state
T1 res 1 'Temp 1
T2 res 1 'Temp 2
Diff res 1 'Difference, ie: -1, 0 or +1
IPosAddr res 1 'Address of current encoder position counter (Internal Memory)
MPosAddr res 1 'Address of current encoder position counter (Main Memory)
IntPos res 16
** sorry I can't figure out how to format this code to look right
If you're open to a simpler object, I have used what's attached in a couple commercial projects (hence, I know it works well).
If you want to change the value at any time, use the set_value() method to change the encoder's value on-the-fly.
Hint: Use three back-ticks ( ` ) on the lines before and after your code to make it look like code.
Thanks! I’ll try that out. Seems like an easy fix. It will need the option to flip the direction it counts so maybe I can find a way to do that
Put a direction/scaling variable in your program and then do this:
If delta is equal to -1, you'll get the behavior you want.
I am a big believer in keeping objects simple and to the point; it's your application that wants to modify the output, so let the application do it.
Another way to do it is to restart the object and reverse the A/B pin order.
I prefer to use the delta variable; it keeps the object clean, simple, and efficient -- it also makes the intent of the application code very obvious.
This is working out really well. Almost done translating from the older one. I have a method from the main program > PID now able to update the encoder position to a stored position. I was going to swap AB pins as you said which is simple and easy to do and restart. The system must restart anyway on a direction change since it will be lost and need to home in the new direction. Direction change is only needed to determine the method the encoder is mounted. On a motor rear shaft it counts one way. On the motor output it might be flipped opposite and count the other way. It needs a software way to correct it when needed which is a one time fix. But I'll add the delta to see how affected the timing is adding the extra math per test. I already am removing the hi lo limits which aren't needed here and require math per read. Much appreciated Jon.
If you republish the object I posted, please take my name off of it.