P2Ninja - a P2 Disassembler (beta)

here you can find a P2 disassembler for Windows. It is written in C# and uses the .Net Framework.
This is the very first release with only GUI and only Windows as target OS
I have written this disassembler to spoon-feed me the P2 assembler syntax and flags/condition system. I share this program for nothing more than science. If you can make any use out of it. perfect!
just download the attached .zip file and expand it where you like.
- Start the P2Ninja.exe with a double-click. A P2Ninja window will open.
- Now click the "Open" button and choose a P2 bin, or binary file.
- The disassembled file appears in the big textbox of the P2Ninja window.
- This is a Read-only textbox. If you like to save the contend just copy-paste everything
from the textbox to a text editor.
- knows how to work with AUGS and AUGD instructions and "constructs" the next instruction to contain proper syntax for PNUT.
- hopefully knows all P2 instructions
- hopefully knows all P2 alias instructions (like NEG $1,$1 becomes only NEG $1)
- replaces addresses of the special registers (PA, PB, PRTA....) with their names.
- Happily, disassembles data fields. There is no way to distinct data and instructions.
- PNUT contains many ways to input illegal parameters for assembler instructions and silently produces some instruction. The Disassembler only sees the bin file and the P2 documentation.
- It will produce what is written down in the bin file. So, any labels, symbols and comments are lost.
- Cannot see org, orgf, orgh instruction. the .bin file is assumed to begin with address 0 in COG ram and go on to LUT and then HUB.

There’s no “like” feature, so here goes: 👍