Some forum photos take WAY too long to load.

The one in this post:
took several minutes. Why? Because the forum software did not downsize its 16-megapixel size before sending it, relying on the user's browser to make it fit in the designated space.
This is wrong!
The forum software should downsize any image larger than a certain maximum before sending it, perhaps with an option to download the full-sized image into another tab by clicking on it.
Yeah, it should probably do that. But if it did, it'd probably do it wrong
Like how it used to remove all the frames from GIFs.
But if it takes on the order of minutes to load that image, your internet connection must be really terrible. For me it takes barely five seconds from hard reload (CTRL+F5) to fully loaded image. And my connection isn't even that good (200Mbit cable, bottlenecked by old 100M Ethernet equipment)
We don’t all have fast internet, nor unlimited data!!!
Wait, gifs work again?
It's not. It's quite good, in fact. This forum is the only site that has this problem.
Given that it can't be fixed -- which I don't believe -- that puts the onus on posters to resample their images before posting them. I mean, who needs 16 megapixels to illustrate a cable connection or some other configuration? I typically down-sample images to 800 x 600 pixels or less before posting.
Yes, IMHO it’s common courtesy to downsize pics to a suitable resolution before posting.
The alternative is to limit pic size which prevents the special case where a high resolution is required to convey details.
The reason I usually post full res is because it's lazier, haha.
I think I'll resize them to the lowest reasonable size in the future, unless it's posted for its aesthetic merit.
I don’t have a landline. I have 4g and while I mostly get >10Mbps, and usually >20Mbps, sometimes it’s only 5Mbps or even less.
Add to this, I used to have a limit of 100GB per month and $10 per extra 1GB. A windows update about 2 years ago cost me $90 because I went over my limit. At least I now have 500GB, and it throttles if I go over.
Many have less than I have here, so please consider when posting big pics.
I don't either. I switched several years ago from DSL to cable, originally TWC, it became Spectrum. And yes I saw some lag as that oversized photo loaded. No offense to you, @Wuerfel_21 but couldn't that photo be shrunk in size somewhat before posting it?.
Mascot away.
No robots.
Agreed, this is wasteful of both data storage and download. Other forums just limit the photo size on upload. There's gotta be a simple setting for that.