Prop 2 FAQ comments - What in P1 applies to P2?

in Propeller 2
Since I was asked nicely to start a new thread instead of replying to comments, here's one:
( I think the P1 FAQ has that sort of stuff)
What in that FAQ is applicable to the P2? What isn't? If nothing else, it sounds like a great place to start - make a new edition, and point out where the differences are. S.
Most applies to the P2 in some form, either inheriting something from P1 or being very different.
Well, there's a lot of Spin-isms in there, which don't really apply to the P2 as a whole, being that it doesn't have Spin built in.
Unrelatedly, if someone is wondering what I'm even talking about, you can find the P1 FAQ by pressing F1 in Propeller Tool and going to Questions and Answers. It used to be hosted on the web, too, but I think it got lost like 2 website migrations ago.
I think this would fall under another's complaint - too much stuff in too many places!
It's not that the documentation is bad (although it is) it's that it's splattered all over the map. For the FAQ on the P2, you should consult the P1, although some of it is irrelevant and some doesn't matter, but finding out which is kinda like starting your own religion insisting on this bit and denying that bit of the Holy Book... What?
It took me awhile to figure out flags in PASM, and what ##? meant. I'm still not sure I want to go into PASM.
I'd also suggest a deep root cleaning out of the fora, that those subjects written about extensively when the P2 was merely an FPGA design be either summarized or discarded. Searching for a topic is hard when you find the post that addresses it applies only to some antique FPGA version.
Anyhow, I'm being grumpy, sorta a Devil's Advocate for 'how to make the newbie's life better'. I know you guys do lots of good stuff, I criticize only in the hope of making it all better. Thanks. S.
I certainly wouldn't advise delete or edit them, but maybe putting a red banner on them that says that its an old thread that it may refer to an old FPGA image would be helpful. @VonSzarvas can the forum jankware even do that?
Better summarized and archived, I'll grant that. S.
I am in favor of tags. Removal would see the loss of many whys we, and others, may find useful later.