BUG with local variables inside PRI/PUB function?
Posts: 484
in Propeller 2
Is this a bug in my code or something else? I am not able to find out what would be wrong.
If I use a local variable inside for PUB getnumber function the index (i) variable jumps after the third character (from 0, 1, 2, to 50!).
If I use a global VAR instead, the behavior is as expected.
(I have tried so many things! changing to PRI instead of PUB, using different variable names, without ALINGNL, use four spaces as tabulator instead of two spaces, both Flexprop and PNUT works the same ... I am not able to find the issue on my code )
CON _clkfreq = 160_000_000 baud = 115_200 STRING_SIZE = 8 OBJ ser: "jm_fullduplexserial" fmt: "ers_fmt" VAR BYTE number_str[STRING_SIZE] BYTE i ' UNCOMMENT THIS LINE !!!!! PUB main() ser.start(63, 62, %0000, baud) send := @ser.tx waitms(2000) send("Please write a number (max 8 characters) : ") getnumber(number_str) ser.fstr1(string("Your number is : "),number_str) 'PUB getnumber(str) | ALIGNL c, i ' COMMENT THIS LINE !!!!! PUB getnumber(str) | ALIGNL c ' UNCOMMENT THIS LINE !!!!! i := 0 repeat c := ser.rx() if (c == 8) or (c==127) if i > 0 --i ser.tx(8) 'send(fmt.nl(),"i:",fmt.unsdec(i)," ") 'debug elseif (c == 13) or (c == 10) ser.tx(13) ser.tx(10) quit elseif (i == STRING_SIZE) 'send(fmt.nl(),"i:",fmt.unsdec(i)," ") 'debug next else if (c > 47) and (c < 58) str[i++] := c send(fmt.nl(),"i:",fmt.unsdec(i)," ") 'debug ' UNCOMMENT THIS to disable DEBUG !!! ser.tx(c) str[i] := 0
getnumber(number_str) should be getnumber(@number_str)
I couldn't run your code because I don't have ers_fmt.spin2, but I've written similar code many times. This works:
Keep in mind that string routines need a terminating zero. In the code that I used to test the above method, I had this:
This allows your buffer to hold as many characters as you need, plus the terminating zero.
Here's my test loop that prints the length of the string and its contents
Dave made a good catch on the missing @, but given the code, I wonder if even that would correct it. The offending loop uses str[] instead of byte[str][] which would probably stuff characters (as longs) into the address holding str, ultimately causing things to go horribly wrong. No?
Looking at your version I see you're echoing input to the terminal. Here's a version that also does that.
And just for giggles, this version will show you the width of the input field.
Thank you! Yes, all those things mentioned solved the problems I had.
You're welcome.
@ provides the run-time address of (a pointer to) any object. In my programs I always preface a variable that is intended to hold a pointer with p_, so the name p_str means "pass a pointer to a string." In many cases, I will prefix the name of a predefined string (in a dat section) with s_ -- this is just a reminder to me that the object is a string and needs @ to determine its run-time address. So, you might see something like this in my programs: