To much scattered across to many places...

in Propeller 2
Trying to figure out how to download Tachyon to the edge board. Can't find a straight answer anywhere on the P2 forums. Search returns nothing found. If anyone has done this please post it. Win 10 box probably most likely to try with .
Hi Frank, I feel in being proactive Maciek opened this thread: taqoz-development-news-board. That may help to find the way into a maze. Out you have to find by yourself ;-) . As more and more attraction to TAQOZ is gained, there will be a better structure.
Is the problem with the TAQOZ binary (like you can't find the right file) or the edge board (like you don't have a "motherboard" of sorts to connect the edge module to ? Or is it the software on your Win10 computer that's giving you a hard time ?
Have thedge in the adapter with power and propplug. Unzipped the latest TAQOZ and installed proptool. Hardware seen, but no option to load to the onboard flash. Pnut also does not find anything to load.
I just want to get forth running on the edge module so i can use p2, worry about the spin/pasm later.
Do have it running from SD on Cluso's retro board.
Taqoz is already in the P2 ROM on the edge. I may have misunderstood your problem. You may be trying to load the latest version into the onboard flash. I haven't done that yet. Sorry.
Scroll down to the "GETTING THE TAQOZ ROM PROMPT UP" section.
Basically, its power on the Edge. Configure your terminal. Then type greater than key (>), space bar, then escape (Esc) key. You should see the Taqoz header.
Sorry if this is not what you are trying to do.
I'm not a frequent windows user at all and haven't tried the procedure myself but maybe this may help you. If not, why not asking there, where there are discussed all TAQOZ related matters. Your post title might have not catch the right pair of eyes
I'm pretty sure that my sig has links and links and links. Just click on the Source Forge one for instance and the default download is which includes _BOOT_P2.BIX and source etc.
If I understand correctly what's been said, Frank's problem is loading the TAQOZ (full version) onto the flash chip that sits on the Edge board but without using the SD card as a source of the _BOOT_P2.BIX file for which he can't find the instructions on how to do it on a Windows 10 box.
I currently do not have a Winows10 based pc so can't even attempt to try the optons myself and my ancient linux box will struggle to even run a clean Virtual Box at all. Sorry.
The ROM version (V1.1) does work as above. Question is how I get the latest version loaded to to the flash on the edge which does not have an SD slot. I used the SD on Cluso's board. Very easy linux or windows. As long as correct format on SD card. As @Maciek states above, I can't find an instruction or loader from linux or win to the edge flash. Likely I missed it with all thats gone on the last few weeks. Have not gotten flexgui etc compiled yet.
Thankz to all for the assists...
I have loaded the BIX binary via serial and then when it boots you can type
as easy as that.@"Peter Jakacki" via serial ... kermit/xmodem/ymodem? Did I miss a how to somewhere? Forum search function seriously not ready for prime time...
Via the loader of course. I normally use p2load but I have tried PNut and the Prop tool. I will check these again and report back.
Btw, I meant loadp2 or also the Python version will work.
However I just installed the latest FlexProp on my Linux and verified that it loads a binary although you will either have to rename the .bix to .binary or go wildcard. I used [Commands] [Flash binary file...].
Here are the loaders working:
Thankyou Peter. To tired last night to remember to say it worked, but did get loadp2 on the windows box to load and now 2.8 works from flash. Still want to get flexprop up on my fedora 34 box. But at least forth gives me a working P2 dev system. Comms from linux box via putty.