C3-like Dev Board?
in Propeller 2
I'm excited to try using the P2. Will there be a C3-like board coming out soon? I need something with built-in audio/video/keyboard/mouse ports.
Thank you!
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The best solution right now is the P2- Evaluation Board:
and the Accessory Set:
There is also a breadboard board that is available to use with the P2-Edge:
The links on the Parallax store are not working right now but look for part numbers 64020 and P2-EC. The breadboard will accept the modules from the Accessory Set.
I saw both of those, but they're unfortunately quite different from what I need. Even if I bought the eval board and all the possible add-ons, I still wouldn't have the ps/2 ports or the microSD card slot that were built-in to the c3. EDIT: Ok I double-checked the available addons. I'd have to buy the eval board, the serial host add-on, the AV breakout addon, and the microSD addon to get similar functionality to the propeller C3. Still, my original question remains...
Can we expect a c3-style board in the near future, either from parallax or a third party? I noticed some forum members are making their own development boards and I wouldn't mind buying from one of them instead.
I have my RetroBlade2 (search for the RetroBlade2 threads)
It has SD, VGA, two microUSB (with software can drive USB Keyboard and USB Mouse).
Does not have audio - I didn’t think about it when I did my design
Note the power restrictions as I use linear regulators. It is not a works for everyone board.
I tried to design a industrial strength controller board with the P1 - not enough memory if you want it to be compatible with anything out there. ie... ladder logic or graphical / industrial user interface of some kind.
The P2 could do it but even with a graphical user interface, you still need very robust inputs and outputs - think relays, SCR's or OPTO22 add-on modules. Add into that UL and CSA compliance. Lots of work but you could probably sell thousands(s) of them.
I'm basically looking for something almost like a nano/pico-itx PCB. That's why I brought up the C3, because it has similar connectivity to a PC.
I'm more interested in software development on the P2 than hardware development. So something with too many ports is better than something with too few ports and lots of GPIO.
So it looks like I might end up going with the eval board + a bunch of addons. Not a fan of the size and cost difference between the eval board + three addons vs. the c3 though.
Is there any information about upcoming P2 boards somewhere?
That's really interesting, thanks! I'm looking forward to more designs from you.