P2 Ninja - a Propeller 2 disassembler

Hello everyone
At the moment I am writing a P2 disassembled called P2 Ninja. It is written in c# using .net framework as a gui Applications with command line Interface
I can deconstruct binary and bin files right now that are produced by pnut, proptools and flexspin
But here is the question:
Some of the P2 community are clearly Apple or Linux users. So choosing .net will limit the userbase.
Will this be a Problem?
What platforms will be better?
HTML5 (OS Independent)
Have you looked at: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/learn/xamarin/what-is-xamarin
C#/.NET should run fine under Linux and probably(??) macos with mono. It certainly works for pure command line applications, but not sure about GUIs.
You might be interested in the P2 disassembler that I wrote a few years ago. It is located on GitHub at https://github.com/davehein/p2gcc/tree/master/util . The program is called p2dump. The -dis parameter will generate P2 assembly.
yes, i think i will drop GUI support in favor of being more portable
Already tried it, but Linux is not officially supported. Even simple Gui will fail.
As a Linux/Mac and on top emacs (even under windows) user I care about good command line tools. Because I can then put them into my scripted environment, my editor etc.