AD592 Pinout, Temperature probe
Hi, I have an ad592 temperature sensor, to create a temperature probe, but I don't understand why the middle pin is not used, how do I receive the information from the sensor?. I have read the datasheet but I can't find the answer.
Welcome to the forums, Rafav29!
There are some very useful threads about temperature sensing with that kind of probe, one of them can be found at:
Other ones are easy to find by using the "search" box, near the top left edge of the forum screen.
Hope it helps.
It seems you have to measure the current: 1 µA/K. @ +25°C (298.2K) --> 298.2
This old Parallax text has the answers to many of your questions.
It's a 2-pin device using a 3-pin package, so that's why the middle pin isn't used.
The AD592 acts like a current source and the current changes as the temperature changes.
Which microcontroller are you using?