# of ADC/DAC in P2 = 4 or 64?
in Propeller 2
The question is the subject. In some docs I read there are 4, and in others that there is one per port. Just to be sure I'm dead and in paradise.
Paul Richer
Every pin has an ADC and a DAC.
IDK why, but some of the distributors have weird wrong values listed.
The 4 might be coming from the fact that the ADCs and DACs for certain purposes (ADC/DAC streaming and GETSCP/SETDACS instructions, off the top of my head) are treated as groups of 4.
Fast 8-bit DACs extended to 16bit via several tricks, which can still give 16-bit @ > 1.25 MHz.
4 DACs is what you can control via 1 cog using setdacs or a streamer, but nothing will prevent you to use wypin.
64 not as perfect as DACs, but still good, ADCs
Distributors have never seen a chip with 64 DACs on board
Thx so much to all for your quick replies. I will definitely not sleep for a few years.
Chip, I love you and your work!
Get sleep in order to live long.
A lot of people here on this forum made huge contributions to the Prop2 design. I got to tie it all together, or fit it into an undersized bag. People here are also making lots of tools and software.