I have severe GAS

I thought that only musicians suffered from Gear Acquisition Syndrome but I just counted 10 MCU modules that I have yet to put power to and I have yet to order my P2D2 and KISS modules.
Furthermore, I have stuff arriving fast and furious from Aliexpress.
How do you guys get anything accomplished? 😵
why do you think we do?
How does your question relate to your confession ?
Guilt, possibly ?
Do you need a cure for GAS or an advice on how to accomplish something ? Or both ? Because you might not like what I have to say
The only relief of GAS symptoms is to divest yourself of the many MCUs inhibiting your acquisition of a P2D2. Perhaps by redirecting the offending MCUs to your favorite STEM supportive organization or a local pre-teenager in the neighborhood with an interest in such things. Of course, its parent may not appreciate it if they also then contract GAS. Of course, there is no known cure for GAS.
As someone once said regarding two porcupines, "Very carefully." I have several Parallax branded ones here, mostly not mounted. Then six from the Netduino line, and too many Arduinos. Plus an assortment of microcontrollers from a different source altogether.
And I routinely build stuff who does not need a controller.
Mascot out, in the rain.
And why is there a crowd of bots swimming to LA?
Yeah, it's a happy problem
I actually have plans for everything but having to earn a crust keeps getting in the way