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P2 PASM PWM with NCO — Parallax Forums


I am looking for an example in PASM about this:

%00111 = NCO duty
This mode overrides OUT to control the pin output state.
X[15:0] establishes a base period in clock cycles which forms the empirical high-time and low-time units.
Upon WXPIN, X[31:16] is written to Z[31:16] to allow phase setting.
Y[31:0] will be added into Z[31:0] at each base period.
The pin output will reflect Z overflow.
IN will be raised whenever Z overflows.
During reset (DIR=0), IN is low, the output is low, and Z is set to zero.

So I can understand this better.


  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,066
    edited 2021-03-16 02:42

    This is general form of configuring a smart pin -- this is what the Spin2 function pinstart() does.

                    fltl      pin
                    wrpin     mode, pin
                    wxypin    xval, pin
                    wypin     yval, pin
                    drvl      pin

    You need to use the P_OE flag in the mode setting so that the pin will be driven high and low by the smart pin configuration.

  • pic18f2550pic18f2550 Posts: 400
    edited 2021-04-16 14:16

    Can I synchronise my programme with it?

    setse1 #%001<<6 + pin
    waitse1 'wait for new period
            org 0
            dirl #20                                '' Setup Smart Pin at P20
            wrpin PulseConfig, #20                  '' Set config for pulse/cycle
            wxpin PulseTiming, #20                  '' Set cycle time and logic-0
                                                    '' period
            dirh #20                                '' Finished setup
            setse1 #%001<<6 + 20
            wypin Cycles, #20                       '' Pulse count to Y register
            nop                                     '' Delay two clocks for IN to drop
            waitse1                    ''wait for new period
            '' code
            jmp #.myloop                            '' Program waits forever
    PulseConfig long %0000_0000_000_00000_00000000_11_00100_0
    '' Pulse/cycle mode
    Cycles        long $0010                        '' Pulse count of 16
    PulseTiming   long $01F4_05DC                   '' 60 usec pulse, 20 usec logic-0
                                                    '' [15:0 ] Loop Zeit (Zyklus]
                                                    '' [31:16] Pulszeit
  • AribaAriba Posts: 2,687

    You need to clear the flag after every waitse1. You also have not set the mode right.
    This version should work:

            org 0
            dirl #20                                ' Setup Smart Pin at P20
            wrpin PulseConfig, #20                  ' Set NCO duty mode
            wxpin PulseTiming, #20                  ' Set precounter and phase
            dirh #20                                ' Finished setup
            wypin Freq, #20                         ' Pulse freq to Y register
            setse1 #%001<<6 + 20                    ' set posedge event
            waitse1                                 ' wait for new period
            akpin  #20                              ' clear flag
            ' more code
            jmp #.myloop                            ' Program loops forever
    PulseConfig long %0000_0000_000_00000_00000000_01_00111_0  'OE + NCO duty
    ' Pulse/cycle mode
    Freq          long 1 frac 2500                  ' Pulse rate: ~100ms
    PulseTiming   long 0<<16 + 1000                 ' 1/1000 sysclock (~25kHz)
                                                    ' [15:0 ] Vorteiler
                                                    ' [31:16] Zählerwert bei Start

    But I think this is not the mode you want. It's not a usual PWM. The Duty mode has a fixed high time (here) and varies the low time to modify the duty, so the frequency changes with duty. For PWM there are better smartpin modes (triangle and sawtooth pwm).


  • Ok, sawtooth PWM could actually be better.
    I want to output a variable pulse on a constant time grid. 0...100%.
    Do you have a code snippet for me to better understand?

  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,066
    edited 2021-04-16 18:51

    I know you're going to do this in PASM -- but here's how I do it in Spin.

        x.word[0] := 1 #> ((clkfreq / hz) / units) <# $FFFF 
        x.word[1] := units    
        pinstart(pin, P_OE | P_PWM_SAWTOOTH, x, duty)  

    In my simple code I allow the user to specify PWM frequency and the units in 100%. With LED dimming, for example, I specify units of 255 to match DMX lighting control. You could certainly set your units to 100 for 1% resolution. Note that you can change the duty at any time, but it will take effect on the next PWM cycle.

  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,066
    edited 2021-04-16 19:18

    Before popping out to get some lunch I knocked this together and it works! (verified with 'scope)

      CLK_FREQ = 200_000_000                                        ' system freq as a constant
      _clkfreq = CLK_FREQ                                           ' set system clock
      PIN   =      0
      HZ    = 10_000  
      UNITS =    100
      XREG  = (UNITS << 16) | ((CLK_FREQ / HZ) / UNITS)  
                    org       0
                    fltl      #PIN
                    wrpin     #(P_OE | P_PWM_SAWTOOTH), #PIN
                    wxpin     ##XREG, #PIN
                    wypin     duty, #PIN
                    drvl      #PIN
    loop            waitx     ##(CLK_FREQ / 50)
                    incmod    duty, #UNITS
                    wypin     duty, #PIN
                    jmp       #loop                
    duty            long      0
                    fit       496
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