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Noobie Debug seems to remember previous windows — Parallax Forums

Noobie Debug seems to remember previous windows

When downloading a new program to P2 sometimes a previous debug session starts to run in it's window. Downloading a second time clears up problem.
WRD Bob Drury


  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,275

    Could it be your download isn't really happening, but a reset on the P2 kicks off a prior program that is stored in the flash?

  • What I believe I saw on several ocasions, an existing program that was flashing an led before the download ,after the downolad the program that was running stopped then the debug window with what I believe is the scope graphical window started to run. I will try to get more specific and watch closer. If it was only once I wouldn't mention this but it has occured maybe 4 times and I haven't used the scope debug function since I originally played around with it several days ago . It seems to be still active in the background and something triggers it. Just thought someone else might have notice this. The program I have stored in flash flashes P0-to-P7 leds. I am Pretty new to all this most likely something I am doing.
    Regards and thanks cgracey
    WRD Bob Drury

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