P2 Live Forum: continue with the same day and time? Seeking input.

At the moment we've consumed all of the P2 Live Forum meetings I previously scheduled. I've been trying to do these in batches to minimize the change of process in my workflow. When we schedule another set, it would be easiest to do eight of them at once to cover two months.
We're currently having these at 2:00 pm Pacific on Tuesdays. The Australians wake up early and the Europeans stay up late. It almost seems like the perfect compromise, but some Europeans don't want to stay up until 10 pm. Did you see the Coley and Baggers on Tuesday night? They looked really tired, but Cluso99 was wide awake and probably enjoying morning coffee.
We want to do what's best for everybody and remain open to moving a few times around, especially if we have guest presenters. We don't have to schedule these at the same time every week, but it sure is convenient.
Just checking to see if there are any new requests on the days of the week and time of day. Feel free to share your thoughts.
Ken Gracey
Tuesday 2:00pm Pacific is 9:00am Wednesday Sydney /Melbourne and 8:00am Brisbane because Sydney and Melbourne are on DST (summer time) and we'll revert back around April to be in line with Brisbane again.
I cannot attend Mondays as I always work unless it's a public holiday and then I work on Tuesday instead.
Any other time is mostly suitable. I'm OK with moving it earlier to help the UK guys. I'll just have to work around Wednesdays about 8:40am for 10 minutes (school time).
IMHO it's best to try and keep the same time each week as we get used to the same thing. When it gets shifted I have to be careful not to get distracted.
I don't mind it moving earlier...
I'm fine with earlier start times too.
I would welcome an earlier start time Ken, it's often past midnight when we finish and as you know I need my beauty sleep! ;-)
Tuesdays also works for me.
That beauty sleep must be working. It's not for me
yes, one has also consider the end time, not just the start time,
An earlier start time would probably be better for me. Tuesdays in general are busy here, so even with an earlier start time I may not make very many
I'm also voting for earlier, as they start at midnight my time. I've only wathced one of them live and in that somehow ended up buying the P2 Edge and JonnyMac board
Earlier is fine for me right now.
However, once we are back in the office daily, instead of working from home, I won't be able to attend any of these.
CET is Pacific+9, 2.00 PM is 11.00 PM, too late for me, as I have to wake up at 6.00 AM the next day
I've been breaking the speed limit to get home in time on tuesdays, any earlier and I'm gonna miss it. But then again you'll probably save me a ticket by doing so!
This is a really useful discussion from my point of view. First thoughts are to move it up an hour (or two), keeping it on the same day.
As I read through the comments, I thought about my own situation. I start out around 6 am Pacific, and the extended P2LF events can make a 12-hour day pretty easily. I usually resume later in the evenings to catch up and do the small amount of creative work available to me, so some level of efficiency and ability to sign off before too late (taking a break between the day/evening shift) is also important to me.
I will let the thread bake along for another day or two and we'll try to wrap this up.
Ken Gracey