Parallax flies high at Super Bowl 2021 on the aerial rig
Includes firmware from our friend @JonnyMac!
Ken Gracey
Includes firmware from our friend @JonnyMac!
Ken Gracey
It's really cool that the Prop has garnered such a high-profile [pun intended] niche application!
But I'm a little confused. How does this relate -- if at all -- to the SkyCam, which is used to zoom in on plays in the stadium. The SkyCam uses pulleys placed at four stationary cable ends to adjust the cam's XYZ coordinates. The aerial rig shown here appears to fly on a single, stationary cable and zooms along it with motors contained in the camera rig.
Do I have that right? If so, what was the purpose of this camera vs. the SkyCam's play-by-play coverage?
Thanks for clarifying!
Another system with different features, I suppose.
Ken Gracey
IIRC JM said in the zoom meeting a couple of weeks ago, that the SkyCam is a permanent installation that cost many $$$. This method can be strung in an existing stadium in a few days for significantly less $$. Do I have this right jm?
The camera was used by CBS. It's called "Trolley Cam" and can zip along its cable at up to 65 mph! This was in addition to multiple SkyCams, bring the total number of cameras deployed to over 120. Here's some additional coverage:
Its unclear to me whether the cam itself is motorized or whether it gets pulled by motors at the cable's ends. It definitely has a separate cable attached to it. Perhaps someone with more info can fill us in.
The jonyjib is all self contained. Drive motors are onboard. This allows a very quick setup by just finding two anchor points. No permanent install.
Maybe the extra wire is a safety backup because it is flying over people.
No, the main wire just has idler pulleys running along it -- or maybe that's what you meant by the "extra" wire. The other wire apparently runs through the device, which must be where the motors engage it.
I'm not sure they would use it if there were people underneath. The SkyCam is not allowed to fly over spectators.
It was discussed in some detail in the zoom meeting a few weeks ago. Perhaps it was in the recorded section?