DSO & LOGIC ANALYZER - seeking advice, recommendation

I have found myself in need of a quality but not too expensive piece of test equipment. Two pieces, actually - a DSO and a logic analyzer. I have made several attempts towards this in the past but somehow couldn't justify the cost for hobby use.
But now, with the P2 on the bench running at speeds exceeding 300 MHz and a potential for commercial projects it seems like the time has come to finaly get one of these and put them to good use.
Given the limited space and funds available, I'm leaning towards a solution like this one, PicoScope 3206D MSO version here.
I know there are better options out there but for me even this one is a rather huge effort, financially speaking.
Any suggestions from experienced users would be more than welcome.
Don't ask me, I use a Propscope for my scope. It gets the job done.
I did look at this scope which for what you were looking at this one includes the display for about the same price.
Might the last 2 links on this page help?? https://propeller.parallax.com/software.html
Added: and this shows some other discussions on the same topic http://forums.parallax.com/search?Search=sigrok
That 200MHz Siglent is one of the ones I looked at too. What I really want though is a black box scope with a BT or WiFi link to my phone or tablet. I'd rather have the user interface in front of me where it is also convenient and safe.
Yeah, that would be it ! I'm surprised it hasn't occurred to me earlier.
However, that would also mean all (or almost all) heavy signal processing had to be done within that black box, increasing its cost and there also need to be good Android/iOS user interface applications available too that would allow to interact with the device in a proper manner and not only serve as a dumb display.
Maybe something like this already exists that doesn't cost a fortune . I'll do some more research.
And it would be nice if that black box had a P2 in it as well
We have the technology! The P2 will handle the LA function nicely with variable threshold and smartpins as well as analog scope functions. This can be enhanced with some additional high-speed A/D circuitry. The P2 also has built-in function generators!
Maybe I might kick something off.
I use a Rigol DS1054 scope. And for logic analysis I really love the Saleae Logic series. I have several of them.
I have the same setup as @"Don M". LOVE my 16-channel Saleae. It gets better with each software release and the user interface is clean and workmanlike. Educational pricing puts it within reach of the hobby crowd if you just know to ask.
The Rigol 1054Z can be gloriously hacked (upgraded) to great utility as a 100 mhz scope with all sorts of bells and whistles. It has some limitations, but its good, cheap Swiss Army knife.
Both come highly recommended. YMMV
Having lost everything in 2018, I couldn't afford the scopes I used to own.
So I spent some time doing some research and settled on this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0771N1ZF9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s02?ie=UTF8&psc=1
It has an LA option with a 16-channel add-on, but I prefer using the Saleae logic analyzer. The software is very powerful and my 28" monitor is much bigger than the 7" screen on the scope.
Despite my response before, I actually have that complete setup, including LA, got it cheap on a sale (and FYI it is a public secret that you can 'patch' the firmware to upgrade the scope to a 1204. Just search the eevblog forums).
And you can connect the scope to your network (fixed cable or wireless) and then open the screen in a browser. Again search eevblog if you want to use wireless
Thanks, guys.
I'll look closer at what you suggested but I also must admit Peter's idea has great appeal. I kinda like it and it sounds like a perfect field instrument. That portability and a bigger screen (in a form of the laptop screen) is what has prompted me to look at the PicoTech offering rather than at standard desktop instruments.
Missed this thread. Currently using a Digilent Analog Discovery 2 scope and 16 bit logic analyzer. not only has scope and logic capture, but split power supply, trigger and waferorm generation functions. A lab in a box a couple inches on a side, less than an inch thick and USB connected. If I need a 100MHz scope, I have a Tek 2247A.