Error: communication stalled due to system problem
in Propeller 1
I was down loading a program to the EEPROM of the P1. I have couple of WX activity boards,couple of
Quickstart boards and a P1 professional development board.
This error pops up at the end of the download "Error : communication stalled due to system problem"
on all the boards.
I need help to resolve this issue.
PS: I am using the latest Prop Tool V 2.5.1 - screen shot attached
Thank you.
The first thing I would do is clean up your desktop. Organize your programs into folders to eliminate clutter. A lot of stuff on your desktop can slow the system down. I'm not saying that's the issue, but cleaning things up might help.
I am having the same issue it worked just fine 2 days ago and today it is happening with my Parallax Professional development board REV A but not with my Parallax Proto usb board. and no change on the desktop of the computer also with 2 different computers.
Known recent issue, and fix is coming in next update -
EDIT: Corrected the link.
EDIT2: Oh, Version 2.5.2 update is already out -
Thank you very much that worked for me!
The latest version 2.5.2 did resolve the issue.
Thank you,
I have Propeller tool v1.3.2. I'll keep both versions.
I'm still getting this error with version 2.5.3.
I am also getting this error with version 2.5.3.
I am trying to program a binary file on a P1 if that makes any difference.
It will not program no matter how many times I try.
Where can I download the installer for version 1.3.2 ?
Maybe it's a regression. Try going back to 2.5.2 -