Propeller Tool Bug Report
in Propeller 2
I didn't really want to post this here,
And clutter up the P2 forum, but thought it best to place it here than in general discussion...
Whilst trying to set the background color to yellow for my CON blocks,
The region at the top of the document turns yellow (yellow was my selected color) but the ACTUAL CON section remains white?
Sorry I forgot to mention,
This relates to Propeller Tool 2.4.1
Jeff may not see reports here. Consider reporting it through GitHub.
Thank You Jon,
I've resolved error which I was having by reverting the SCEME field dropdown to SPIN.
So I'm back to the normal block (CON/VAR/OBJ/DAT etc) colours for the Propeller tool.
Maybe it should have worked or accepted any colors set as a CUSTOM scheme?
But I'll leave it with the capable hands of Parallax.
And add That I've resolved the bit that niggled me, and it was simply a wrong setting in for the SCHEME considering I wanted default colors.