Old "QuickStart EB" board (from olimex.cl)
in Accessories
Does anyone have any info on the battery used for this board?
For that matter, does anyone have any schematics or documenation for the board? I can't find anything on the web or this site.
Thanks in advance,
Got a picture?
Interesting. XBEE, uSD and RTC. Looks useful.
...I'm gonna guess the battery is for the RTC. Another guess is that the battery will be something on the order of a CR2032 type; 3 volt lithium.
What's the part number on the 8-pin IC located between the battery clip and crystal?
I agree with @davejames
Not much available in the internet archive either:
You could try to contact the company (although they have changed name now, they are still in business at least and still have 1 parallax product on sale
The chip is a DS1307N. The battery is far smaller than a CR2032, 12 mm in diameter, according to the specs from the archive. Interesting that they specify the size and not the battery type... I suspect it's a CR1220, based on the height of the battery compartment.
You know, I never realized that the battery numbers (AAXXYY) meant something other than just a product type. Looking up the dimensional differences between the 2032 and 1220, I see that the first two numbers relate to the diameter and the second two relate to the thickness (in mm).
Learned something today.
Yeah, they do similar with LiPo cells, 18650 is 18mm diameter, 65mm long. Its a metric conspiracy...
Of course it's a metric conspiracy!
I mean, what can be easier to remember than that there are 12 inches per foot, 3 feet per yard and finally 5280 feet per mile. This is much easier to remember than 10 millimeters per centimeter, 100 centimeter per meter and 1000 meter per kilometer. All these zeroes are so difficult to remember