Vapor Reflow Soldering

I'm embarrassed to say I first learned about vapor phase reflow today. Forum member James Long was using it all the way back in 2009. Oh well, better late than never. The linked video by Marco Reps was quite enjoyable. Perhaps the economics of perfluoropolyethers don't make sense. Perhaps we don't need fancy pants techniques like they use at CERN. All I know is that this is the first time I felt inclined to attempt reflow soldering at home - especially on something like the P2 with its large thermal pad.
The fact that many have had success reflow-soldering PCBs in inexpensive toaster ovens seems to be more a testament to the resiliency of modern semiconductors than to the suitability of such ovens for the task.
I also really enjoyed this video. Its now on my list of things to build in my spare time. There's a lot to be learned in pushing measurement techniques that far. I wonder how many 8.5 digit meters will be built as a result of those Cern designs
A few months ago I made some enquiries locally about Galden (used int he vapor phase soldering), it is available locally. It seems almost mystical. However if you get lucky and get a toaster oven with the right natural profile, thats pretty hard to beat too