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3.2" SPI TFT ILI9341 240x320 Module - Arrived, Looking Forward! — Parallax Forums

3.2" SPI TFT ILI9341 240x320 Module - Arrived, Looking Forward!

Forum member @"Greg LaPolla" produced an object for this module and mine finally arrived. I'm thinking of stocking these at Parallax for use with his code.

They'd be in the $10-15 range. Even if we don't stock them, I foresee a nice Quick Byte in the near future. Please let me know if there is interest.

And thanks to Greg for another useful contribution!

Ken Gracey


  • Hi Ken

    Does yours have the touch screen spi chip on the back?
    The site you referenced said it was touch sensitive- but they don't all include the spi a to d on the back.
    The pictures they show of the rear show one populated and one not.
    If you see an unpopulated surface mount set of pads then you'l have to make do with the props a/d and extra pins to provide pullup pull down when measuring.


  • Looks like this model does not have touch. There is a model for 6 dollars more that does have touch and it looks like the touch interface is SPI as well.

    One could put the pins together and use CS to select either LCD or Touch interface. There is an Interrupt pin to let you know a touch event happened.

    Would be interesting to put the two together.

    Generally I prefer a 5 inch screen over the 3.2 inch. My eyes are going.


  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2021-03-03 18:35

    This is the back of mine:

    Strangely, it has connections for the touch screen control but they must not be enabled in firmware. They maybe share the same PCB. I couldn't decide if I should stand on my head and take the picture; I wish they had all text in the same direction (and if the PCB were blue, instead of red).

    Ken Gracey

  • Ken,

    Maybe you should do mini crowdfunding. Come up with a kit that you will sell if you get 25 or 50 people to buy into.
    It should be turn-key in that all the cables and firmware are provided.


  • @iseries said:

    Maybe you should do mini crowdfunding. Come up with a kit that you will sell if you get 25 or 50 people to buy into.
    It should be turn-key in that all the cables and firmware are provided.


    I'm already over-booked. If somebody in the P2 community did this I'd get behind it, along with Parallax.

    Sooner or later, though, we'll face the ugly realities of importing these parts from China. Every time we modify, improve, or do our own version they become expensive.

    Ken Gracey

  • I looked at the model that has the touch screen enabled but they must have used the same picture. I think U2 needs to be there for touch screen to work.


  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2021-03-03 21:17

    Hey @"Greg LaPolla" I have a few questions which you or @Cluso99 may be able to answer as I get this display up and running.

    Q1: I have the non-touch version so I couldn't identify the extent of the window by touch. Commented out the touch inputs, modified the resolution using the constants to 320x240: driver responded appropriately. What are the ranges of resolution that could be used? I see that Greg was using 320x280, but the driver history has some past configuration with 480x320. Does the driver support any resolution with the ILI9341 controller?

    Q2: We are a WaveShare distributor and they make this A bit smaller, but same controller. No touch interface. Think it would also work?

    Really nice display quality, especially for this dirty-cheap low-cost. I almost feel guilty owning it.

    Ken Gracey

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2021-03-03 22:02

    I think the code is based on this

    This is an LCD using the similar chip ST7796 and my LCD has the Touch Panel and chip TCS2046/XPT2046 fitted.
    @mwroberts has done a touch screen addition but I haven't included it in my driver yet (see my thread)

    There is a fully working demo code using the LCD as a text terminal (60x40) using my modified jonnymac style interface.

    The Touch screen is is only $1-$2 extra, so well worth it.

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069

    @iseries said:
    I looked at the model that has the touch screen enabled but they must have used the same picture. I think U2 needs to be there for touch screen to work.


    Yes, and it requires the Screen overlay for the touch panel to be fitted. Be careful, often they say touch panel when it's not fitted.

  • @"Ken Gracey" The ILI9341 is 320x240. Thats weird the touch chip is missing. I bought the same one and it has touch.

    I will fix that. It should be 320x240.

  • Hello @"Greg LaPolla" and @Cluso99 - I've put this into a brief Quick Byte. The object is so easy to use there's not much to say, except "get a display and put this to use."

    If you're after shapes, colors, graphs, dials and basic text display, the ILI9341 provides the best value I've seen.

    Any future changes to source code? Please send my way and I'll post!

    Ken Gracey

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