Servo 360 and the P2

I'm calling it, the first servo360 Driver for the P2.
Apparently, there is not a lot of call for it since there isn't one for the P2. I guess since there is no BOE Bot to put it on there is not a need for one.
Anyway here is the C version of that driver that is almost complete. I need to work on a PID controller for it so that it works better when under load. I also want a free mode so I can position the servo and have it record that position for playback.
Here is the test program I used:
#include <stdio.h> #include <propeller.h> #include "servo360.h" #define SERVO 8 #define FEEDBACK 9 int main(int argc, char** argv) { int s, s1; int i; printf("Starting\n"); s = Servo360_Start(SERVO, FEEDBACK); s1 = Servo360_Add(20, 21); printf("Servo: %d %d\n", s, s1); _waitms(5000); Servo360_Enable(s, 1); Servo360_Enable(s1, 1); i = Servo360_Angle(s); printf("angle: %d\n", i); Servo360_SetAngle(s, 0); Servo360_SetAngle(s1, 0); _waitms(5000); Servo360_SetAngle(s, 180); _waitms(5000); Servo360_SetAngle(s, 270); _waitms(5000); Servo360_SetAngle(s, 90); _waitms(5000); Servo360_SetAngle(s, 0); while (1) { i = Servo360_Angle(s); printf("Angle %d Status: %d\n", i, Servo360_Status(s)); _waitms(1000); } }
Servo in action: Servo360 Video.
Is your code available, Mike? I have a Spin2 object that will handle servo pulses and read the feedback signal, but no code for ramping speed down the speed to land on a specific position. C is not my first language, and looking through the [mostly uncommented] Parallax FB360 code has not been fun. I'm hoping that your style more closely aligns with my experience (well, lack thereof) with C and I can add more features to the Spin2 version I've written.
@JonnyMac ,
Since there is not a repository for C libraries used in FlexProp I put them in on my github repository.
The code can be found here in P2Custom.
Thanks, Mike, I will have a look. I will also be sure to credit you in my listing for any ideas that I "liberate" from your code!