pinstart(pin, P_DAC_DITHER_PWM | P_DAC_990R_3V | P_OE, 256, 0) parameter definitions
Bob Drury
Posts: 236
in Propeller 2
I have looked through the documentation and somehow have missed where the methods are defined could someone direct me to where the constants eg. P_DAC_DITHER_PWM are listed.
WRD Bob Drury
In the Spin2 language doc:
Look in the section called Built-In Symbols for Smart Pin Configuration; better yet, press Ctrl+F and do a search -- you'll get right too it.
Thanks will follow up with this
WRD Bob Drur
Yes that is what I was looking for (my bad) . As a suggestion to who is composing table, it might be a consideration to lead with the constants in the table then the description followed by the bit pattern. The CTRL F search is very helpful.
Again Thanks JonnyMac
WRD Bob Drury
I definitely prefer the label and encoding side by side. Having the label in the middle the way it is is ideal.