P2 Quick Byte: LEDs - Beyond the Basics!
Ken Gracey
Posts: 7,399
Hey all,
There's another new resource to check out thanks to JonnyMac: https://www.parallax.com/leds-beyond-the-basics/
This Quick Byte makes the most out of an ordinary LED and shows us how to apply sawtooth PWM modes on a smart pin. If this kind of LED control is new to you (like it is to me), you'll see that you can really bring more character to your projects this way. WIth the P2 this kind of programming hardly costs any resources. The gamma correction linearizes the change of light with the PWM, taking away the abruptness of change you'd otherwise see with PWM. This is also new to me but I've heard JonnyMac talk about it with his Steve Wang projects.
We have crossed the "20 Quick Byte threshold"!
Ken Gracey
Nice!!! Got to take a look at it...