Self hosted Blockly Prop?
in Propeller 2
Just did a little test with this EVE3 GPU setup to see if a Self-Hosted Blockly Prop might be possible...
This little test just lets you drag the one "repeat" block around the screen with the mouse.
It doesn't actually work or anything...
But, I think it might be possible to do the GUI part of it with P2+EVE.
But then, could you actually turn the screen into code and have it run in a cog?
That might be the hard part...
This little test just lets you drag the one "repeat" block around the screen with the mouse.
It doesn't actually work or anything...
But, I think it might be possible to do the GUI part of it with P2+EVE.
But then, could you actually turn the screen into code and have it run in a cog?
That might be the hard part...
That most definitely IS the hard part.