While testing my Quick Byte app on the P2 Edge Module Breadboard and the P2 Edge Mini Breakout Board I noticed P63 was running a little hotter than the other pins (see image). I don't see this on the Propeller 2 Evaluation Board (Rev C).
Fair enough. I'm aware of the special status of pins 56..63 and I would agree with avoiding their use as a GPIO pin, however, on the P1 the manual states:
The pins shown below have a special purpose upon power-up/reset but are
general purpose I/O afterwards
Here the P1 manual was referring to P28-P31. The P2 manual is far from complete but I'm assuming that the same functionality would apply to the P2 special pins as well.
Here I'm just testing the pins well after the power-up/reset period is over. Also, I only see this anomaly with the P2 Edge. As I noted the Rev C Evaluation Board results are as expected.
Normally, I would avoid these pins since I have plenty to work with, however, if they are going to function differently than the P1 special pins, this needs to added to the P2 documentation to NOT use these pins.
Bottom line is I'm just trying to understand how the P63 on the P2 Edge differs from the Eval Board. A difference in the pull-up value or circuit may be the answer. I'll take a look at that. I'm wondering if there's any other performance differences in the P63 RX pin on the Edge.
Bottom line is I'm just trying to understand how the P63 on the P2 Edge differs from the Eval Board.
I don't think it does. I also don't think a pull-up is the cause.
While out running an errand it dawned on me that you're using nested loops. The last LED in each inner loop is going to get a little more time that the others because the code branches back to the outer loop. Unfortunately, I have misplaced my matrix board, so I can't test this theory. Here's what I suggest. Using waitct() and minimizing the time between clearing the LED and turning one back on should give you better brightness, and more consistent output.
You'll need to determine the value of ON_DELAY for your clock speed. I also suggest you don't re-calculate the pin field inside the loop -- this never changes during the loop, so re-calculating is just using extra time.
My matrix board driver (attached) uses waitct() for the delay between pixels.
Okay, I take it back. I found my matrix and determined that what you're seeing happens when on the highest pin group and the Prop-Plug is attached. Download to flash and remove the Prop-Plug to see the difference. Of course, you can't remove the USB interface on the P2 Eval. I was testing on my Edge Breadboard.
Those leds are likely brighter because they're being driven (or co-driven?) by the FTDI which is outputting high when idle. So they get more than their share of duty cycle
I have your code snippet running on my eval board with an ON_DELAY of 10000 which is performing similar to my code. I now need to setup my other two P2 Edge boards to see how they perform with your code.
Your right about the PINF(basepin ADDPINS 7) call within the loop. It didn't occur to me at the time this was a calculation. Don't ask me what I thought it was. Probably thought it was a setting. Once my brain gets stuck on a thought I need someone to shake it free. Thanks.
Just setup the mini board and its performing just like my code. The LEDs powered by P63 is still a little brighter than the rest.
Just saw your additional comments and those by @Tubular and I agree. The prop plug is the difference. I didn't realize how it worked after the power-up/reset phase.
I initially was running the code using the getct() & waitct() functions but decided to keep it simple by just using the waitus() function. The only major difference between your code and mine is, I know that I'm lighting the LED exactly 500 microseconds. How long the LED is off varies by the remainder on the code in the loop. I was more interested in controlling exactly how long an LED was on. I will ponder on your code some more. Thanks for the input. Is there any reason for me to doubt that waitus(500) performs differently at different clock frequencies?
Good point! In this case, since I'm running at the default clock rate, the LEDs should get brighter as I increase the clock rate because the "off" time is getting shorter. You mentioned before but I didn't understand what you were getting at until now because my brain was stuck on running the code at the default clock for simplicity. This would make another excellent Quick Byte on clock rates. Thanks.
Oh, just to confirm. While testing the latest version of my code on the mini breakout board at basepin 56, P63 reduced in brightness to the same level as the rest of the pins when I switched off the Prop Plug at the USB hub. Therefore the Prop Plug or more correctly the FTDI chip is causing a little higher voltage on the RX pin. I have different versions of the Prop Plug so my next experiment will be to check which FTDI chips they and the eval board are using. This was fun.
..running the code at the default clock for simplicity.
I'm of the opinion that running at the default clock rate creates questions, reducing initial clarity. The ability to use templates means we don't have to type in all that stuff, we simply edit a template.
I'm am still of the opinion that pins 56..63 should not be used as general purpose IO. Yes, I know what the manual says, but the manual also says that these pins are used for programming, debugging, and storage. I have found that the buffers on 56 and 57 do not play nicely with all circuits (e.g., I2C), hence they are on my "don't connect anything to these" list for the Edge and the P2 Eval (a custom board would be a different story).
Suggestion: It actually took me a second to see what was happening with these lines:
I'm a very visual person so I dropped your code into my template using my style guidelines so that I could study it without visual distractions. I'm highly sensitive to code that doesn't use much white space. It's attached in case you're interested.
As a lunch-time exercise I decided to try to port your code to PASM2. I really like how you implemented the LUT and think this can be useful elsewhere.
The P2 has instructions that let you pluck a nibble out of a table, hence my offset in this code goes from 0 to 111. The incmod instruction is useful, too, as in helps us with an automatic roll-over to 0 after reading the last nibble in the table.
pri main2(base, tix) | pinfield, offset, t, hipin, lopin ' runs forever!
mov pinfield, #7 ' create pin field for 8 pins
shl pinfield, #6
or pinfield, base
mov offset, #0 ' initialize offset
getct t ' initialize led timer
.loop altgn offset, #.lut ' point to low pin
getnib lopin ' read it
add lopin, base ' adjust for base pin
add offset, #1 ' bump to high pin for this led
altgn offset, #.lut ' point to high pin
getnib hipin ' read it
add hipin, base ' adjust for base pin
incmod offset, #111 ' increment with rollover
fltl pinfield ' clear last led
drvl lopin ' light current led
drvh hipin
addct1 t, tix ' update timer
waitct1 ' let it expire
jmp #.loop
.lut byte $01, $02, $03, $04, $05, $06, $07, $10
byte $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $20, $21
byte $23, $24, $25, $26, $27, $30, $31, $32
byte $34, $35, $36, $37, $40, $41, $42, $43
byte $45, $46, $47, $50, $51, $52, $53, $54
byte $56, $57, $60, $61, $62, $63, $64, $65
byte $67, $70, $71, $72, $73, $74, $75, $76
A few minutes later... I wondered if using bytes and extracting the pins would use more or less code. It doesn't -- the same number of lines are used. This is the byte-oriented loop:
.loop altgb offset, #.lut ' point to led pins
getbyte lopin ' read them
mov hipin, lopin ' copy
and lopin, #$0F ' isolate low
add lopin, base ' adjust for base pin
shr hipin, #4 ' isolate high
add hipin, base ' adjust for base pin
fltl pinfield ' clear last led
drvl lopin ' light current led
drvh hipin
addct1 t, tix ' update timer
waitct1 ' let it expire
incmod offset, #55 ' increment with rollover
jmp #.loop
@JonnyMac I appreciate the effort on reformatting the code into your template. No reason to let good effort go to waste so I'll continue using that format on future revisions. Where is your template [and styles guide] stored again? That would make a good Quick Byte.
The PASM2 code is nice and compact. That, also, would make a good Quick Byte on how to do the same think in PASM2 for someone trying to understand PASM2.
If you have the files from my last "Spin for Beginners" session you can find my template in a folder with the other materials. In case you don't have it, I've attached here for your convenience.
I'm updating my style guidelines for publication -- will attach those when done.
I'm having a lot of fun learning assembly on the P2. One of the bigger projects I have coming up is the P2 version of P1 laser-tag system I coded a few years ago. I want to use as much of the P2 horsepower as I can muster.
FWIW, I treat pins 56..63 as off-limits for external hardware for P2 Eval and Edge projects.
The pins shown below have a special purpose upon power-up/reset but are
general purpose I/O afterwards
Here the P1 manual was referring to P28-P31. The P2 manual is far from complete but I'm assuming that the same functionality would apply to the P2 special pins as well.
Here I'm just testing the pins well after the power-up/reset period is over. Also, I only see this anomaly with the P2 Edge. As I noted the Rev C Evaluation Board results are as expected.
Normally, I would avoid these pins since I have plenty to work with, however, if they are going to function differently than the P1 special pins, this needs to added to the P2 documentation to NOT use these pins.
Bottom line is I'm just trying to understand how the P63 on the P2 Edge differs from the Eval Board. A difference in the pull-up value or circuit may be the answer. I'll take a look at that. I'm wondering if there's any other performance differences in the P63 RX pin on the Edge.
While out running an errand it dawned on me that you're using nested loops. The last LED in each inner loop is going to get a little more time that the others because the code branches back to the outer loop. Unfortunately, I have misplaced my matrix board, so I can't test this theory. Here's what I suggest. Using waitct() and minimizing the time between clearing the LED and turning one back on should give you better brightness, and more consistent output. You'll need to determine the value of ON_DELAY for your clock speed. I also suggest you don't re-calculate the pin field inside the loop -- this never changes during the loop, so re-calculating is just using extra time.
My matrix board driver (attached) uses waitct() for the delay between pixels.
That said, I stand by my other suggestions.
Your right about the PINF(basepin ADDPINS 7) call within the loop. It didn't occur to me at the time this was a calculation. Don't ask me what I thought it was. Probably thought it was a setting. Once my brain gets stuck on a thought I need someone to shake it free. Thanks.
Just setup the mini board and its performing just like my code. The LEDs powered by P63 is still a little brighter than the rest.
Just saw your additional comments and those by @Tubular and I agree. The prop plug is the difference. I didn't realize how it worked after the power-up/reset phase.
Oh, just to confirm. While testing the latest version of my code on the mini breakout board at basepin 56, P63 reduced in brightness to the same level as the rest of the pins when I switched off the Prop Plug at the USB hub. Therefore the Prop Plug or more correctly the FTDI chip is causing a little higher voltage on the RX pin. I have different versions of the Prop Plug so my next experiment will be to check which FTDI chips they and the eval board are using. This was fun.
I'm am still of the opinion that pins 56..63 should not be used as general purpose IO. Yes, I know what the manual says, but the manual also says that these pins are used for programming, debugging, and storage. I have found that the buffers on 56 and 57 do not play nicely with all circuits (e.g., I2C), hence they are on my "don't connect anything to these" list for the Edge and the P2 Eval (a custom board would be a different story).
Suggestion: It actually took me a second to see what was happening with these lines: Those lines could be written like this, which I believe adds clarity to the program. The compiled result is the same.
I'm a very visual person so I dropped your code into my template using my style guidelines so that I could study it without visual distractions. I'm highly sensitive to code that doesn't use much white space. It's attached in case you're interested.
The P2 has instructions that let you pluck a nibble out of a table, hence my offset in this code goes from 0 to 111. The incmod instruction is useful, too, as in helps us with an automatic roll-over to 0 after reading the last nibble in the table.
A few minutes later... I wondered if using bytes and extracting the pins would use more or less code. It doesn't -- the same number of lines are used. This is the byte-oriented loop:
The PASM2 code is nice and compact. That, also, would make a good Quick Byte on how to do the same think in PASM2 for someone trying to understand PASM2.
I'm updating my style guidelines for publication -- will attach those when done.
I'm having a lot of fun learning assembly on the P2. One of the bigger projects I have coming up is the P2 version of P1 laser-tag system I coded a few years ago. I want to use as much of the P2 horsepower as I can muster.