GQ-5X SPI Flash Programmer
Posts: 1,215
Does anyone here have any experience with the MCUMall GQ-5X SPI Flash Programmer? I need to replace a very aged EETOOLS AllMax programmer and this popped-up on my radar. It looks rather promising but there are no reviews yet. Or is the EETOOLS Topmax 2 (or 3) a better bet?
Thoughts or comments? This will see general duty across a wide cross section of devices.
Thoughts or comments? This will see general duty across a wide cross section of devices.
The AllMax was a great programmer in its time, but it was slow, talked only via a parallel port, was way EOL, and the Magic Smoke got released in November. So it's time for an upgrade. After 20+ years, I guess I cant complain.
Any hardware that uses hard to get parts that are easy to replicate with modern parts are parts that I would replicate/emulate. I would simply use a small 5V micro with enough I/O and memory to emulate these parts and these micros typically cost around $1 and you can "program" them from a serial port. Just mount the micro on a small pcb with a machine-pin socket smd soldered to the bottom of it for the pins for a beautiful plug-in fit. The micro can be on the underside too and you can print a label that looks like an EPROM You may dismiss this as "too much trouble" but it is dead easy and the cycle time of a micro emulating a parallel EPROM is more than fast enough to make it appear as a very fast EPROM. Ask me for a circuit and code if you like.
I used to use 87C552 devices as well and IIRC they are OTP in the normal production PLCC pack. I'm not advocating emulating this part though, although I am sure it could be done (it's impossible!). But generating 13V or so and programming an EPROM or device is a simple matter for almost any micro and only a few lines of Forth code
The reason I advocate a custom circuit is simply because I can customize it for production and it becomes super-simple to press this button or that button to program a specific device and all the production images are stored on that programmer itself. I can record each device and program serial numbers and timestamps with each device programmed. No need for tethering during programming operations, only for loading in new images which could just as easily be on microSD anyway. This too I have done for production. It is always worth it.
Hey: here is a blast from the past for you: *reprogrammable* 87C552s! See the pic. Last time I could even get these they were $400 each. I found 64 of them for sale by accident a few years back and the customer bought them sight unseen. This is the only reprogrammable part they will allow (different firmware versions for different locations) and that took an act of God and 4 years to get a waiver.
(Edit: There are still lots of $20 non-reprogrammables out there, but any second source stuff, EBay, Amazon, offshore, etc, are not acceptable for this client. It must be primary source, NOS, USA-only).
@JRoark, I have some eproms and eeproms that I no longer need now that I have retired. I would be happy to send them to you if you are interested. Most or all of them are programmed so will need to be erased. See the attached picture for a list of the parts list. Send me a PM with your address if you want them.