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P2 Multiport x16 Serial Driver working (based on JonnyMac's FullDuplexSerial) — Parallax Forums

P2 Multiport x16 Serial Driver working (based on JonnyMac's FullDuplexSerial)

Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
edited 2021-03-06 21:36 in Propeller 2
Rather than take over @DiverBob's thread I thought I should start a new one.

Thanks to Ken, there is now a Quick Bytes here

Update 29-Jan-2021: V0.40 code posted with working demos for 1, 2 & 8 fullduplexports (2, 4 and 16 ports/pins). Tested with flexspin and pnut.

Update 27-Jan-2021: V0.31 code posted with working demos for 1, 2 & 8 fullduplexports (2, 4 and 16 ports/pins). Tested with flexspin and pnut.

Update 26-Jan-2021: V0.30 code posted showing two full duplex ports working.

Update 22Jan2012: posted working code below. This will support up to 16 total uni-directional ports (ie up to 16 pins that may be any mix of transmit or receive).

Just for fun, here is a 64-Port version. For serious use I would need to tweek the driver.

Please note the following implementation detail has changed in the final versions.

JonnyMac made an amazing object (need a link) that includes formatting strings with binary/decimal/hex/etc. I've added a few personal bits like dumping hub memory with the usual 16 bytes per line in hex plus ASCII. I've starting breaking down the PASM driver into a separate object so that it can be loaded separately from the spin code. The reason for this is to be able to make the PASM driver able to stay resident when loading other objects, as is required when making a P2 OS (operating system). There are other benefits too, such as being able to use the spin code to format strings, etc, while changing the PASM driver underneath to say VGA and Keyboard, and still retain the hub buffer interface (ie hardware virtualisation).

The first part is to define the hub interface. This works well in Jon's code but I would like to take the time to expand on a couple of things before adding the multiple buffer sets required for each port. Here is the current interface for a single port...

  long  cog                                                     ' cog flag/id

  long  rxp                                                     ' rx smart pin
  long  txp                                                     ' tx smart pin
  long  rxhub                                                   ' hub address of rxbuf
  long  txhub                                                   ' hub address of txbuf

  long  rxhead                                                  ' rx head index
  long  rxtail                                                  ' rx tail index
  long  txhead                                                  ' tx head index
  long  txtail                                                  ' tx tail index

  long  txdelay                                                 ' ticks to transmit one byte

  byte  rxbuf[BUF_SIZE]                                         ' buffers
  byte  txbuf[BUF_SIZE]

  byte  pbuf[80]                                                ' padded strings

The real part of the interface is this section...
  long  rxhead                                                  ' rx head index
  long  rxtail                                                  ' rx tail index
  long  txhead                                                  ' tx head index
  long  txtail                                                  ' tx tail index

Since we have a reasonable 512KB, providing a few extra longs to convey some additional info would be nice. What might these be?
* tx and rx pin
* baud

I would also like to add in
* rxsize
* txsize
This would make the buffer sizes flexible tho we have to account for this.

The padded string(s) would be defined in the spin section so it would not be part of the buffer interface (or mailbox). And the driver cog number is probably not required here.

* Would a word (16 bits) be good enough for the head, tail and size? This is 64KB after all !!!
Why? Well it depends on whether we want to pack the heads/tails/sizes for all ports into one contiguous group and the buffers separate to these. There are some advantages to using PTR[offset] for getting these values.

So here are two alternatives for packing the buffers and pointers (I've just used longs for now)...

Repeat for each port
  long  rxhead                                                  ' rx head index
  long  rxtail                                                  ' rx tail index
  long  txhead                                                  ' tx head index
  long  txtail                                                  ' tx tail index
  long  rxsize                                                  ' rx buffer size
  long  txsize                                                  ' tx buffer size
  byte  rxbuf[BUF_SIZE]                                         ' buffers
  byte  txbuf[BUF_SIZE]

  long  rxhead1                                                  ' rx head index
  long  rxtail1                                                  ' rx tail index
  long  txhead1                                                  ' tx head index
  long  txtail1                                                  ' tx tail index
  long  rxsize1                                                  ' rx buffer size
  long  txsize1                                                  ' tx buffer size
  long  rxhead2                                                  ' rx head index
  long  rxtail2                                                  ' rx tail index
  long  txhead2                                                  ' tx head index
  long  txtail2                                                  ' tx tail index
  long  rxsize2                                                  ' rx buffer size
  long  txsize2                                                  ' tx buffer size
  long  rxhead3                                                  ' rx head index
  long  rxtail3                                                  ' rx tail index
  long  txhead3                                                  ' tx head index
  long  txtail3                                                  ' tx tail index
  long  rxsize3                                                  ' rx buffer size
  long  txsize3                                                  ' tx buffer size
  long  rxhead4                                                  ' rx head index
  long  rxtail4                                                  ' rx tail index
  long  txhead4                                                  ' tx head index
  long  txtail4                                                  ' tx tail index
  long  rxsize4                                                  ' rx buffer size
  long  txsize4                                                  ' tx buffer size

  byte  rxbuf1[BUF_SIZE1]                                         ' buffers
  byte  txbuf1[BUF_SIZE1]
  byte  rxbuf2[BUF_SIZE2]                                         ' buffers
  byte  txbuf2[BUF_SIZE2]
  byte  rxbuf3[BUF_SIZE3]                                         ' buffers
  byte  txbuf3[BUF_SIZE3]
  byte  rxbuf4[BUF_SIZE4]                                         ' buffers
  byte  txbuf4[BUF_SIZE4]

If you want to be able to start and stop ports at will, then the interface will likely need an extra interface for port number, txpin, rxpin, baud, txbuf and rxbuf addresses and txsize and rxsize for sizes, and a flag indicating if it is running. txpin, rxpin and flag can be bytes within a long, baud is a long, and the txbuf, rxbuf need to be a hub address so 20 bits minimum so a long each.



  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,233
    edited 2021-01-13 05:46
    I haven't fleshed this out, but I had these thoughts during our discussion today.

    The UART manager cog could check a mailbox that would have a long broken into a word and two bytes

    word[1] is the hub address of the port structure
    byte[1] is add or remove
    byte[0] is the port (0 to 7) to add or remove

    If there are not port changes a value of 0 in the mailbox would indicate there is nothing to do but check on the buffers.

    If a buffer is added, a bit flag is added to available ports and the cog reads the configuration data it needs (mostly pointers) from the hub. If a port is removed the bit is cleared so that those pins are no longer checked on scans.

    The foreground Spin can configure the smart pins for serial to take that burden off of the cog -- this keeps things simple (I think).
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2021-01-13 06:06
    If you want to be able to start and stop ports at will, then the interface will likely need an extra interface for port number, txpin, rxpin, baud, txbuf and rxbuf addresses and sizes, and a flag indicating if it is running.
    JonnyMac wrote: »
    I haven't fleshed this out, but I had these thoughts during our discussion today.

    The UART manager cog could check a mailbox that would have a long broken into a word and two bytes

    word[1] is the hub address of the port structure
    byte[1] is add or remove
    byte[0] is the port (0 to 7) to add or remove

    If there are not port changes a value of 0 in the mailbox would indicate there is nothing to do but check on the buffers.

    If a buffer is added, a bit flag is added to available ports and the cog reads the configuration data it needs (mostly pointers) from the hub. If a port is removed the bit is cleared so that those pins are no longer checked on scans.

    The foreground Spin can configure the smart pins for serial to take that burden off of the cog -- this keeps things simple (I think).

    Thanks for commenting so quick Jon.

    I think we would need a table of bits for the currently in-use ports so a byte for 8 ports. I do this for mapping used stay-resident cogs in my P1 OS and it woks nicely.
    I think the hub address of the port structure should be at least 20 bits but we could combine the port number and add/remove bit within the long, so your mailbox would work.

    BUT, the problem comes with multiple cogs trying to get a port concurrently. We would need to use a lock or we have to have separate longs for each port and continuously read them all by the driver cog.

    Now if we used 2 longs (ie 8 bytes) as just a flag for each port, the driver could read these 2 longs using a setq #2-1 & rdlong and compare with zero, OR the driver could read each long using the wz flag. Neither of these would take too long to interfere with the rx/tx scanning. A further set of 8 longs would follow with one dedicated to each port. This would be quicker than using locks.

    Smartpins may as well be set/cleared by the driver cog as there is plenty of cog space and it's only a couple of instructions. Might just need to be interleaved within the port scanning. Thinking more, yes, could be better for the calling cog to set the smartpins as the bitper needs to be calculated from baud and clkfreq .
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    So this could be the mailbox structure for 8 ports
            byte    port0                   ' 0 = nothing to do, %01 = enable portn , %11 = disable portn (p_portn is hub pointer)
            byte    port1
            byte    port2
            byte    port3
            byte    port4
            byte    port5
            byte    port6
            byte    port7
            long    p_port0                 ' hubaddr-of-port-structure (?? 1<<31 if port active)
            long    p_port1
            long    p_port2
            long    p_port3
            long    p_port4
            long    p_port5
            long    p_port6
            long    p_port7
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2021-01-14 04:14
    Do you see that the data buffers for each port should be in a contiguous area in hub? Or do you think separate areas for each port would be better?

    IMHO it would be nice to have separate hub areas but it's more complex and might be even more confusing to newcomers.
    ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Main hub interface (allows up to 8 ports)
    ports_command   byte      0[8]                                  '\ %00 =  nothing to do, %01 = enable port[n], %11 = disable port[n]
                    long      0[8]                                  '/ hub pointer to port[n]'s config & buffers
    ' Port[n] configuration and buffers (up to 8 ports, one set for each port)
    ports_config    word      0                                     '\ rxhead
                    word      0                                     '| rxtail
                    word      0                                     '| rxsize
                    word      0                                     '| rxpin
                    word      0                                     '| txhead
                    word      0                                     '| txtail
                    word      0                                     '| txsize
                    word      0                                     '| txpin
                    byte      0[rxbufsiz]                           '| rx buffer
                    byte      0[txbufsiz]                           '/ tx buffer
    ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    And if they are contiguous then there is no need for the hub pointers for each port.
  • Ideally, the should be where the programmer wants them to be, and probably should be sizeable, too. I have an app from the past that doesn't do a lot of transmitting, but receives a lot of data. In that case the TX and RX buffers have different sizes. My current code doesn't support this, but I'm probably going to add it.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2021-01-14 04:16
    Agreed. Notice that I have sizes for each tx and rx buffer, and for each port.
    And INCMOD allows sizes to not be a binary multiple.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    When you say "where the programmer wants them to be" do you mean for each port, or just all the buffers combined? (think I may have updated my last post after you read it)
  • And INCMOD allows sizes to not be a binary multiple.
    Yes. I like that and use it now -- just need to use a variable for the buffer that is being accessed.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    JonnyMac wrote: »
    And INCMOD allows sizes to not be a binary multiple.
    Yes. I like that and use it now -- just need to use a variable for the buffer that is being accessed.

    Yes, I stole it from you. It just needs to be a variable ;)
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    This could work nicely

    If rx and tx buffers are all contiguous...
    ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Main hub interface (allows up to 8 ports)
    port_control    byte      0[8]                                  '\ control (8 ports) %00 =  nothing to do, %01 = enable port, %11 = disable port
                    word      0[8]                                  '| rxpin  << 8  | txpin  (8 ports) $FF = no pin/port
                    long      0[8]                                  '| rxhead << 16 | rxtail (8 ports)
                    long      0[8]                                  '| txhead << 16 | txtail (8 ports)
                    long      0[8]                                  '| rxsize << 16 | txsize (8 ports)
                    byte      0[rxbufsiz0]                          '| rx buffer port[0]
                    byte      0[txbufsiz0]                          '| tx buffer port[0]
                                                                    '| .....
                    byte      0[rxbufsiz7]                          '| rx buffer port[7]
                    byte      0[txbufsiz7]                          '/ tx buffer port[7]
    ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Or if we allowed tx/rx buffer pairs to be anywhere in hub, then this...
    ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' Main hub interface (allows up to 8 ports)
    port_control    byte      0[8]                                  '\ control (8 ports) %00 =  nothing to do, %01 = enable port, %11 = disable port
                    word      0[8]                                  '| rxpin  << 8  | txpin  (8 ports) $FF = no pin/port
                    long      0[8]                                  '| rxhead << 16 | rxtail (8 ports)
                    long      0[8]                                  '| txhead << 16 | txtail (8 ports)
                    long      0[8]                                  '| rxsize << 16 | txsize (8 ports)
                    long      0[8]                                  '/ p_rxbuf (8 ports) hub address where rxbuf starts and txbuf follows
    ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Why use bytes for port_control when nibbles would be sufficient and would save a long?
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    AJL wrote: »
    Why use bytes for port_control when nibbles would be sufficient and would save a long?
    Yes. Would work. Thanks.
  • AJL wrote: »
    Why use bytes for port_control when nibbles would be sufficient and would save a long?

    I've not looked at this code/design in detail but one (probably helpful) reason to separate port control into a byte per port is that it allows the independent port control settings to be setup/changed independently from different COG contexts without extra code needed to preserve any other port state during the change. i.e. it potentially avoids the read-modify-write cycle needed to change the value for the port control byte when the byte containing it in hub memory spans two actual port control nibbles, and you can then just do a single byte write atomically instead and simply clobber its prior value as you change it. There's no additional nibble shifting needed either. In this case sure it might burn an extra long of hub memory, but with 512kB I'd say it would be well worth it.

    In my embedded/middleware work over the years I've found it's useful to do little things like that for assisting multi-threaded code, particularly when state can change dynamically after initialization. If you try to pack things a bit too tight you can come unstuck in some areas so it's a tradeoff as usual.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    rogloh wrote: »
    AJL wrote: »
    Why use bytes for port_control when nibbles would be sufficient and would save a long?

    I've not looked at this code/design in detail but one (probably helpful) reason to separate port control into a byte per port is that it allows the independent port control settings to be setup/changed independently from different COG contexts without extra code needed to preserve any other port state during the change. i.e. it potentially avoids the read-modify-write cycle needed to change the value for the port control byte when the byte containing it in hub memory spans two actual port control nibbles, and you can then just do a single byte write atomically instead and simply clobber its prior value as you change it. There's no additional nibble shifting needed either. In this case sure it might burn an extra long of hub memory, but with 512kB I'd say it would be well worth it.

    In my embedded/middleware work over the years I've found it's useful to do little things like that for assisting multi-threaded code, particularly when state can change dynamically after initialization. If you try to pack things a bit too tight you can come unstuck in some areas so it's a tradeoff as usual.
    Yes. I forgot that was the original reason to make it a byte. Otherwise a lock is required which unnecessarily complicates things.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Think I will go back to 4 ports because I think there will be little call for >4 ports and there is little time if ports are running Mbaud rates.
  • Thanks for the explanation. Sometimes the parameter sizes can look arbitrary, e.g. two bits are enough to hold the control states proposed, so eight seemed excessive when there are instructions available to operate on nibbles.

    Maybe make two versions, one supporting eight ports with a lower top speed, and the other with four ports for higher speeds.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2021-01-16 06:12
    I have been thrashing out the code and tried numerous things.

    This has led me to the following thoughts and I'd like to know if this makes sense...

    * Sixteen uni-directional ports each with its' own control byte in an array (solves read-modify-write or lock problems)
    * Each port is for 1 pin only and can be either a receive or a transmit pin (ie you can have 16 receivers if you want)
    * Each port will have a p_head and p_tail which are pointers to hub addresses (ie not offsets)
    * At initialisation the p_head and p_tail will point to the first and last+1 hub address of the buffer
    * The calling code will setup and disable the smart pin (ie the driver will not program the smart pin associated with the port)

    ' Main hub interface (allows up to 16 uni-directional ports)
    port_control 'byte 0[16] '\ control (16 ports) %atpppppp where...
    '| a: 1 = port active, t: 1 = tx, 0 = rx, pppppp: = port pin
    byte 1<<7 | 0<<6 | 63 '| port[0]: active, rx, P63
    byte 1<<7 | 1<<6 | 62 '| port[1]: active, tx, P62
    byte 0[14] '| port[2]-[15]: = inactive/idle
    port_params 'long 0[2][16] '| max (16 ports) of 2 longs... (note: only need to reserve as many ports as max required)
    long @xbuf_0 '| port[0]: p_head (initially set to start of buffer)
    long @xbuf_0_end '| p_tail (initially set to end of buffer)
    long @xbuf_1 '| port[1]: p_head (initially set to start of buffer)
    long @xbuf_1_end '| p_tail (initially set to end of buffer)
    ' long 0[2][14] '/ port[2]-[15]: (no need to fill/reserve unused ports)
    ' buffers (no need to follow port_params)
    xbuf_0 long 0[128] ' port[0]: buffer
    xbuf_1 long 0[128] ' port[1]: buffer

    This minimises the hub when only a small number of uni-directional ports will be used. Just leave space for the maximum number of supported pins (ie uni-directional ports).

    This simplifies the number of instructions needed to be executed in the pasm driver, and therefore maximises the number of ports and speed that can be supported.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2021-01-16 06:17
    Previous post updated here

    This has led me to the following thoughts and I'd like to know if this makes sense...

    * Sixteen uni-directional ports each with its' own control byte in an array (solves read-modify-write or lock problems)
    * Each port is for 1 pin only and can be either a receive or a transmit pin (ie you can have 16 receivers if you want)
    * Each port will have 4 long parameters...
    - p_head pointer to current head hub address of the buffer (ie not an offset)
    - p_tail pointer to current tail hub address of the buffer (ie not an offset)
    - p_first pointer to first hub address of the buffer (ie not an offset)
    - p_end pointer to last+1 hub address of the buffer (ie not an offset)
    * The calling code will setup and disable the smart pin (ie the driver will not program the smart pin associated with the port)
    ' Main hub interface (allows up to 16 uni-directional ports)
    port_control   'byte      0[16]                                 '\ control (16 ports) %atpppppp where...
                                                                    '|   a: 1 = port active, t: 1 = tx, 0 = rx, pppppp: = port pin
                    byte      1<<7 | 0<<6 | 63                      '| port[0]: active, rx, P63
                    byte      1<<7 | 1<<6 | 62                      '| port[1]: active, tx, P62
                    byte      0[14]                                 '| port[2]-[15]: = inactive/idle
    port_params    'long      0[4][16]                              '| max (16 ports) of 4 longs...   (note: only need to reserve as many ports as max required)
                    long      @xbuf_0                               '| port[0]: p_head
                    long      @xbuf_0                               '|          p_tail
                    long      @xbuf_0                               '|          p_first
                    long      @xbuf_0_end                           '|          p_end    (last+1=p_first+bufsize)
                    long      @xbuf_1                               '| port[1]: p_head
                    long      @xbuf_1                               '|          p_tail
                    long      @xbuf_1                               '|          p_first
                    long      @xbuf_1_end                           '|          p_end    (last+1=p_first+bufsize)
    '               long      0[4][14]                              '/ port[2]-[15]: (no need to fill/reserve unused ports)
    ' buffers (no need to follow port_params)
    xbuf_0          long      0[RX_BUF_SIZE]                        ' port[0]: buffer
    xbuf_1          long      0[TX_BUF_SIZE]                        ' port[1]: buffer

    This minimises the hub when only a small number of uni-directional ports will be used. Just leave space for the maximum number of supported pins (ie uni-directional ports).

    This simplifies the number of instructions needed to be executed in the pasm driver, and therefore maximises the number of ports and speed that can be supported.

    By having p_first and p_last available it reduces the number of instructions necessary to calculate the start and end and can be accessed easily by both spin and pasm objects.
  • Looks promising. Having the calling code set up the pin simplifies the driver and makes things more flexible.
    It’s probably advisable for the setup code to walk the table to look for pin conflicts before adding new entries. That wouldn’t be particularly difficult to achieve.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2021-01-17 07:59
    AJL wrote: »
    Looks promising. Having the calling code set up the pin simplifies the driver and makes things more flexible.
    It’s probably advisable for the setup code to walk the table to look for pin conflicts before adding new entries. That wouldn’t be particularly difficult to achieve.
    The pasm driver has to just accept everything is ok as there’s not enough time to process ports at these really high baud.
    Same applies to configure the smart pins. The caller setting up the smartpins also lets the caller configure baud and number of bits.

    I’m almost ready to test it out but i will not have time tomorrow due to day job. Mondays are always hectic.

    While it’s unusual, having half-duplex (ie single pin uni-directional) ports seems like it will work nicely. You can have any mix of receive and transmit pins (ports) to a maximum of 16 pins. So you can have 1 transmit and 15 receive, or any other mix to a total of 16.

    Using SETQ and rdlong minimise the number of clocks when getting parameter blocks from hub. P2 has some really neat instructions.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    I probably should mention the pasm cog driver could stay resident when loading new code, such as in my P2 OS.
  • Cluso99 wrote: »
    AJL wrote: »
    Looks promising. Having the calling code set up the pin simplifies the driver and makes things more flexible.
    It’s probably advisable for the setup code to walk the table to look for pin conflicts before adding new entries. That wouldn’t be particularly difficult to achieve.
    The pasm driver has to just accept everything is ok as there’s not enough time to process ports at these really high baud.
    Same applies to configure the smart pins. The caller setting up the smartpins also lets the caller configure baud and number of bits.
    Yes, understood. My suggestion was that the calling code, when setting up the pin(s), walk the table to ensure that no other caller has already ‘claimed’ those pins. If an active entry is already found the caller then decides what to do (fail, share, or steal)
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    I’m almost ready to test it out but i will not have time tomorrow due to day job. Mondays are always hectic.

    While it’s unusual, having half-duplex (ie single pin uni-directional) ports seems like it will work nicely. You can have any mix of receive and transmit pins (ports) to a maximum of 16 pins. So you can have 1 transmit and 15 receive, or any other mix to a total of 16.

    Using SETQ and rdlong minimise the number of clocks when getting parameter blocks from hub. P2 has some really neat instructions.

    Yes, it does.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Yes, it's easy enough for the caller to walk the table and check the pin's not in use. Of course it cannot know if the pin is being used by a different driver eg I2C.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Here is the pasm driver code (untested)
    '' RR20210117 006   untested
    PUB start(p_config) : cog
      cog := coginit(COGEXEC_NEW, @uart_start, p_config) + 1        ' start uart cog (PTRA=p_config=@port_control)
    dat { smart pin uart/buffer driver }
                    org       0
    uart_start      mov       p_params, ptra                        ' PTRA     = ptr to port_control (16 bytes)
                    add       p_params, #16                         ' p_params = ptr to port_params  (up to 16*4 longs)
    main_loop       setq      #4-1                                  ' get port_control from hub (all 16 bytes)
                    rdlong    control, ptra                         ' ...
    .port0          mov       portnum, #0                           ' set port[0]
                    mov       control, control              wz      ' all ports 0-3 inactive?
        if_nz       call      #proc_active                          ' n: go process
    .port4          mov       portnum, #4                           ' set port[4]
                    mov       control, control+1            wz      ' all ports 4-7 inactive?
        if_nz       call      #proc_active                          ' n: go process
    .port8          mov       portnum, #8                           ' set port[8]
                    mov       control, control+2            wz      ' all ports 8-11 inactive?
        if_nz       call      #proc_active                          ' n: go process
    .port12         mov       portnum, #12                          ' set port[12]
                    mov       control, control+3            wz      ' all ports 12-15 inactive?
        if_nz       call      #proc_active                          ' n: go process
                    jmp       #main_loop                            ' all done
    ' process active ports (try all 4 port subsets)
    .p0             testb     control, #7                   wc      ' port +0 active?
        if_c        call      #proc_this_port                       '
                    add       portnum, #1                           ' port++
                    shr       control, #8                           '
    .p1             testb     control, #7                   wc      ' port +1 active?
        if_c        call      #proc_this_port                       '
                    add       portnum, #1                           ' port++
                    shr       control, #8                           '
    .p2             testb     control, #7                   wc      ' port +2 active?
        if_c        call      #proc_this_port                       '
                    add       portnum, #1                           ' port++
                    shr       control, #8                           '
    .p3             testb     control, #7                   wc      ' port +3 active?
        if_c        call      #proc_this_port                       '
                    ret                                             ' done +0..+3
    ' process active port[n]
    proc_this_port  mov       xpin, control                         ' set pin#
                    testb     xpin, #6                      wc      ' t: 1=tx
                    and       xpin, #$3F                            '
        if_c        jmp       #tx_serial                            ' j if tx
    ' recv serial...
    rx_serial       testp     xpin                          wc      ' anything waiting?
        if_nc       ret                                             ' n: abort if nothing
    ' get port[n] params...
                    mov       ptrb, portnum                         ' current port[n]  (0-15)
                    shl       ptrb, #2                              ' *4 = offset to current port[n] params
                    add       ptrb, p_params                        ' add base
                    setq      #4-1                                  ' read...
                    rdlong    p_head, ptrb                          ' ... current port[n] params (4 longs: head/tail/start/end)
    ' read serial...
                    rdpin     chr, xpin                             ' ch := read from uart
                    shr       chr, #24                              ' align lsb
                    wrbyte    chr, p_head                           ' rxbuf[head] := ch
                    add       p_head, #1                            ' p_head++
                    cmp       p_head, p_end                 wz      ' end of buf?
        if_e        mov       p_head, p_start                       ' wrap
        _ret_       wrlong    p_head, ptrb[0]                       ' write head index back to hub
    ' xmit serial...
    tx_serial       rdpin     chr, xpin                     wc      ' check busy flag?
        if_c        ret                                             ' y: abort if busy
    ' get port[n] params...
                    mov       ptrb, portnum                         ' current port[n]  (0-15)
                    shl       ptrb, #2                              ' *4 = offset to current port_params[n]
                    add       ptrb, p_params                        ' add base
                    setq      #4-1                                  ' read...
                    rdlong    p_head, ptrb                          ' ... current port_params[n] (4 longs: head/tail/start/end)
    ' anything to xmit...
                    cmp       p_head, p_tail                wz      ' byte(s) to tx?
        if_e        ret                                             ' n: abort if nothing to xmit
    ' write serial...
                    rdbyte    chr, p_tail                           ' ch := txbuf[tail]
                    wypin     chr, xpin                             ' write to uart
                    add       p_tail, #1                            ' p_tail++
                    cmp       p_tail, p_end                 wz      ' end of buf?
        if_e        mov       p_tail, p_start                       ' wrap
        _ret_       wrlong    p_tail, ptrb[1]                       ' write tail index back to hub
    ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    control         res       4                                     '\ port_control (always 16 ports) %atpppppp where...
                                                                    '/   a: 1 = port active, t: 1 = tx, 0 = rx, pppppp: = port pin
    p_head          res       1                                     '\ current port_params[n]:  p_head
    p_tail          res       1                                     '|                          p_tail
    p_start         res       1                                     '|                          p_start
    p_end           res       1                                     '/                          p_end   (=last+1=p_start+bufsize)
    p_params        res       1                                     ' ptr to start of port_params
    portnum         res       1                                     ' current port no. 0-15
    xpin            res       1                                     ' current port byte %atpppppp
    chr             res       1                                     ' chr
    ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    fit       472
  • Cluso99 wrote: »
    Yes, it's easy enough for the caller to walk the table and check the pin's not in use. Of course it cannot know if the pin is being used by a different driver eg I2C.


    Code looks ready for testing to me; Seems to be striking a good balance between clarity and speed.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    AJL wrote: »
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Yes, it's easy enough for the caller to walk the table and check the pin's not in use. Of course it cannot know if the pin is being used by a different driver eg I2C.


    Code looks ready for testing to me; Seems to be striking a good balance between clarity and speed.

    Yes. Just ran out of time to test it with a new front-end. I will build at least two front-ends. One will just be a full duplex (ie 2 port pins) object that will be pre-configured for the masses. The other will be an extendable version and it will probably undergo a few revisions to get it easy to use.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2021-01-22 15:48
    Here is v0.20 release...

    Only tested with FlexProp v5.0.7
    pnut and PropTool testing to come soon. pnut working.

    This is the pasm driver that is loaded into it's own cog. The code is working and AFAIK with no bugs. It will support up to 16 half duplex ports - any mix of receive ports (pins) and transmit ports (pins) up to a total of 16. Smartpins are setup in the calling program, as are the port control and parameters.

    This is a demo program and just calls mpx_fullduplexserial.spin2. This is a simple demo program that uses a few methods to display and receive some serial data. Nothing major here.

    This program is based on @JonnyMac 's jm_fullduplexserial.spin2 code. This is great code which includes methods to display strings with embedded hex/decimal/binary etc. A really great object.
    I have added some additional methods to display such things as hub dumps which includes both hex and ascii representation.
    Also, this is now using my new mpx_multiportserialdriver.spin2 driver.
    Warning: I know there are some problems in the receive section because I haven't completed the process to use the new style receive buffers. I have just released it so you can get a preview. AFAIK the transmit methods should work correctly.

    If you find any bugs please let me know here, aside from the receive methods (rxcheck, rxavailable, etc) which haven't been converted yet.

    See next post for latest code
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2021-01-22 09:04
    V0.22 update...
    txflush, rxcheck, available, etc should now be working :)

    Please report bugs here.
  • Cluso99,
    Glad to hear you have this running. I do hope that diverbob is following this thread as I know he needs at least 6 serial ports for his robot.
  • I’m still here and have been closely monitoring this thread for inspiration! I’m working on another version of a 8 port serial port also based on JonnyMac’s code. I’m quite a bit slower as this is a pasm coding learning experience for me. I’ve learned enough that I can follow pasm code much better without having to reference the reference material all the time. But there are still some big holes in my knowledge that I run across each day. Spent last night re-reading the cog and hub memory sections of the manual.
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