Propeller IDE and (objects?)
Posts: 4
in Propeller 1
I am getting back into using the propeller after about an 8 year break. For the most part, things have come back to me pretty easily but I am hitting a roadblock this morning. I am working with one of those graphical OLED modules. I wrote some code to draw to the screen using an all-spin I2C driver but found that screen refreshes were too slow for my preference so this morning I am converting it over to use an assembly version that can sustain a much higher bit rate. I am working with "I2C PASM driver v1.8od.spin" that I found in the github repository. If I call the start function from within my main program then I am finding that I cannot write to the display. In fact, I see nothing coming out of the I2C lines. If I put the call to start inside of the file that I have for driving the display then everything works. My code for driving the display is purely in spin at the moment and is not launched into another core as best as I can tell. Presumably this would mean that it is running on the same core as my main program. I would like to use I2C for other sensors and devices and would rather not hog two I2C lines for each device. What am I missing? :
The relevant parts of the main program:
Enough of the OLED display code to see what is going on.
The relevant parts of the main program:
CON _CLKMODE = XTAL1 + PLL16X _XINFREQ = 5_000_000 OBJ SERIAL : "quadSerialPorts.spin" i2cfast : "I2C PASM driver v1.8od.spin" OLED : "SSD1306_fast.spin" VAR long whichPin long LEDvalues[4] long potentiometer long temp long time long numberOfEncoders long encoderBasePin long encoderPosition long encoderPosition2 long encoderPosition3 byte characterBuffer[16] long myStringPtr long A byte buff[16] PUB launchStuff ''-------- This Block is what runs at startup ---------- start_uarts SERIAL.tx(0,13) ' the basic i/o methods are part of fullDuplexSerial4port 'i2cfast.start(20,21,100000) ' I can't put this here and still have the OLED work serial.str(0,string("Starting up the SSD1306 ...",13)) oled.start($3C) ' The I2C start command is tucked into here oled.displayOn serial.str(0,string("Display is now on",13)) oled.setPageMode oled.setTextRowCol(0,0) oled.putString(string("This is the")) oled.setTextRowCol(1,0) oled.putString(string("first display")) oled.setTextRowCol(2,0) oled.putString(string("################")) oled.setTextRowCol(3,0) oled.putString(string("################")) serial.str(0,string("Done putting string",13)) waitcnt(cnt + clkfreq * 5) oled.clearDisplay serial.str(0,string("Done clearing the screen",13)) PUB start_uarts SERIAL.init 'AddPort (port,rxpin,txpin,ctspin,rtspin,rtsthreshold,mode,baudrate) SERIAL.AddPort(0, 10, 11, -1, -1, 0, 0, 115200) SERIAL.AddPort(1, 12, 13, -1, -1, 0, 0, 115200) SERIAL.AddPort(2, 14, 15, -1, -1, 0, 0, 115200) SERIAL.Start ' Give it some time to start up time := cnt waitcnt(time += clkfreq/10)
Enough of the OLED display code to see what is going on.
VAR long oledAddress byte buff[16] OBJ i2cfast : "I2C PASM driver v1.8od.spin" font : "font.5x8.spin" PUB start(address) ' This must be called before anything else oledAddress := address i2cfast.start(20,21,900000) ' ######################################## I have to put this here ' The Adafruit Arduino driver does this at startup: buff[0] := $AE buff[1] := $D5 buff[2] := $80 buff[3] := $A8 i2cfast.writeBytes(address, $00, @buff, 4) waitcnt(cnt + 10000) i2cfast.writeByte(address, $00, $1F) waitcnt(cnt + 10000) buff[0] := $D3 buff[1] := $00 buff[2] := $40 buff[3] := $8D i2cfast.writeBytes(address, $00, @buff, 4) waitcnt(cnt + 10000) i2cfast.writeByte(address, $00, $14) waitcnt(cnt + 10000) buff[0] := $20 buff[1] := $00 buff[2] := $A1 buff[3] := $C8 i2cfast.writeBytes(address, $00, @buff, 4) waitcnt(cnt + 10000) i2cfast.writeByte(address, $00, $DA) waitcnt(cnt + 10000) i2cfast.writeByte(address, $00, $02) waitcnt(cnt + 10000) i2cfast.writeByte(address, $00, $81) waitcnt(cnt + 10000) i2cfast.writeByte(address, $00, $8F) waitcnt(cnt + 10000) i2cfast.writeByte(address, $00, $D9) waitcnt(cnt + 10000) i2cfast.writeByte(address, $00, $F1)
You can remove this restriction by modifying the I2C driver so that it uses DAT variables instead of VAR variables. Then you can call any of the methods from any object. The drawback is that you can then only have one instance of the driver.
There are multiple way of solving such issues. The easiest would be to edit the I²C object such that all instances act as one, by converting all VAR symbols into DAT symbols.
For example, would become