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50 Ways to leave your LEDs — Parallax Forums

50 Ways to leave your LEDs

iseriesiseries Posts: 1,506
edited 2021-01-08 10:51 in Propeller 2
Ever since I got the Holiday Spin kit the WS2811 LEDs have been laying around on the floor waiting...

So I thought why not 3D print a panel and mount them in there since I don't have a tree to put them on and they would take up less space than leaving them lying around.

This was a fun head twister to map the LED's in the matrix to pixels in a character set.

I used the generic 5X7 character font and mapped it to the 6x8 WS2811 LED's. Then I sent the string to it and watched the letters go by.

Here is a video of it in action.

Here is the C program that made it all work.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <propeller.h>
#include "ws2812.h"

void DoDisplay(int);
void DoStr(char*);
void DoRastor(int, char);

// font 5x7 in 8x8 format line by line
long Font_57[] = {0x1f1f1f1f, 0x1f1f1f1f, //0x0
               0x07030101, 0x3f1f0f07, //0x1
               0x151b111f, 0x1f111b15, //0x2
               0x1c1e1e1f, 0x10101818, //0x3
               0x18040201, 0x01020418, //0x4
               0x1f000000, 0x0000001f, //0x5
               0x04040404, 0x04040404, //0x6
               0x1111111f, 0x1f111111, //0x7
               0x150a150a, 0x150a150a, //0x8
               0x150a150a, 0x150a150a, //0x9
               0x150a150a, 0x150a150a, //0xa
               0x150a150a, 0x150a150a, //0xb
               0x150a150a, 0x150a150a, //0xc
               0x150a150a, 0x150a150a, //0xd
               0x150a150a, 0x150a150a, //0xe
               0x150a150a, 0x150a150a, //0xf
               0x1f1f1f1f, 0x1f1f1f1f, //0x10
               0x071b1d1e, 0x1e1d1b07, //0x11
               0x00001f1f, 0x1f1f0000, //0x12
               0x11111111, 0x11111111, //0x13
               0x151b1b1f, 0x1f1b1b15, //0x14
               0x1313131f, 0x1f131313, //0x15
               0x1919191f, 0x1f191919, //0x16
               0x1111111f, 0x1f111111, //0x17
               0x1111111f, 0x1f111111, //0x18
               0x1111111f, 0x1f111111, //0x19
               0x1111111f, 0x1f111111, //0x1a
               0x1111111f, 0x1f111111, //0x1b
               0x1111111f, 0x1f111111, //0x1c
               0x1111111f, 0x1f111111, //0x1d
               0x1111111f, 0x1f111111, //0x1e
               0x1111111f, 0x1f111111, //0x1f
               0x00000000, 0x00000000, //0x20
               0x01010101, 0x00010001, //0x21
               0x0012091b, 0x00000000, //0x22
               0x0a1f0a00, 0x00000a1f, //0x23
               0x0e051e04, 0x00040f14, //0x24
               0x04081111, 0x00111102, //0x25
               0x02050502, 0x00160915, //0x26
               0x0004080c, 0x00000000, //0x27
               0x04040810, 0x00100804, //0x28
               0x04040201, 0x00010204, //0x29
               0x0e150400, 0x0004150e, //0x2a
               0x1f040400, 0x00000404, //0x2b
               0x00000000, 0x01020300, //0x2c
               0x1f000000, 0x00000000, //0x2d
               0x00000000, 0x00030300, //0x2e
               0x04081010, 0x00010102, //0x2f
               0x1519110e, 0x000e1113, //0x30
               0x04040604, 0x000e0404, //0x31
               0x0810110e, 0x001f0106, //0x32
               0x0e10110e, 0x000e1110, //0x33
               0x090a0c08, 0x0008081f, //0x34
               0x100f011f, 0x000e1110, //0x35
               0x0f01020c, 0x000e1111, //0x36
               0x0408101f, 0x00020202, //0x37
               0x0e11110e, 0x000e1111, //0x38
               0x1e11110e, 0x00060810, //0x39
               0x00030300, 0x00000303, //0x3a
               0x00030300, 0x01020303, //0x3b
               0x02040810, 0x00100804, //0x3c
               0x001f0000, 0x0000001f, //0x3d
               0x08040201, 0x00010204, //0x3e
               0x0810110e, 0x00040004, //0x3f
               0x1515110e, 0x001e010d, //0x40
               0x11110a04, 0x0011111f, //0x41
               0x0f11110f, 0x000f1111, //0x42
               0x0101120c, 0x000c1201, //0x43
               0x11110907, 0x00070911, //0x44
               0x0f01011f, 0x001f0101, //0x45
               0x0f01011f, 0x00010101, //0x46
               0x0101110e, 0x000e1119, //0x47
               0x1f111111, 0x00111111, //0x48
               0x0404041f, 0x001f0404, //0x49
               0x10101010, 0x000e1110, //0x4a
               0x03050911, 0x00110905, //0x4b
               0x01010101, 0x001f0101, //0x4c
               0x15151b11, 0x00111111, //0x4d
               0x15131111, 0x00111119, //0x4e
               0x1111110e, 0x000e1111, //0x4f
               0x0f11110f, 0x00010101, //0x50
               0x1111110e, 0x00160915, //0x51
               0x0f11110f, 0x00110905, //0x52
               0x0e01110e, 0x000e1110, //0x53
               0x0404041f, 0x00040404, //0x54
               0x11111111, 0x000e1111, //0x55
               0x0a111111, 0x0004040a, //0x56
               0x15111111, 0x000a1515, //0x57
               0x040a1111, 0x0011110a, //0x58
               0x040a1111, 0x00040404, //0x59
               0x0408101f, 0x001f0102, //0x5a
               0x0303031f, 0x001f0303, //0x5b
               0x04020101, 0x00101008, //0x5c
               0x1818181f, 0x001f1818, //0x5d
               0x0a040000, 0x00000011, //0x5e
               0x00000000, 0x1f000000, //0x5f
               0x000c0408, 0x00000000, //0x60
               0x100e0000, 0x001e111e, //0x61
               0x110f0101, 0x000f1111, //0x62
               0x011e0000, 0x001e0101, //0x63
               0x111e1010, 0x001e1111, //0x64
               0x110e0000, 0x001e011f, //0x65
               0x0f02120c, 0x00020202, //0x66
               0x110e0000, 0x0e101e11, //0x67
               0x110f0101, 0x00111111, //0x68
               0x04060004, 0x000e0404, //0x69
               0x080c0008, 0x06090808, //0x6a
               0x09110101, 0x00110906, //0x6b
               0x04040406, 0x000e0404, //0x6c
               0x151b0000, 0x00111515, //0x6d
               0x110f0000, 0x00111111, //0x6e
               0x110e0000, 0x000e1111, //0x6f
               0x110f0000, 0x01010f11, //0x70
               0x111e0000, 0x10101e11, //0x71
               0x031d0000, 0x00010101, //0x72
               0x011e0000, 0x000f100e, //0x73
               0x020f0202, 0x000c1202, //0x74
               0x11110000, 0x00161911, //0x75
               0x11110000, 0x00040a11, //0x76
               0x11110000, 0x001b1515, //0x77
               0x0a110000, 0x00110a04, //0x78
               0x11110000, 0x0e101e11, //0x79
               0x081f0000, 0x001f0204, //0x7a
               0x0306061c, 0x001c0606, //0x7b
               0x04040404, 0x04040404, //0x7c
               0x180c0c07, 0x00070c0c, //0x7d
               0x000d1600, 0x00000000, //0x7e
               0x1f1f1f1f, 0x1f1f1f1f}; //0x7f

char Matrix[8][6] = { 7,  6,  5,  4,  3,  2,
					  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
					 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14,
					 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
					 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26,
					 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,
					 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38,
					 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 };

char Billboard[300];

#define PIN 16

int LEDs[50];

int main()
    int i;
    memset(LEDs, 0, sizeof(LEDs));
    memset(Billboard, 0, sizeof(Billboard));
    DoStr("Hello World ");
    while (1)

void DoDisplay(int offset)
    int i, j;
	char x;
	for (int j=0;j<6;j++)
    	x = Billboard[offset + j];
		for (int i=0;i<8;i++)
	    	if (x & 0x01)
	    		LEDs[Matrix[i][j]] = 32;
	    		LEDs[Matrix[i][j]] = 0;
	    	x = x >> 1;
	ws2812_set(PIN, LEDs, 50);

void DoRastor(int p, char x)
    unsigned int u, l;
    x = x * 2;
    u = Font_57[x];
    l = Font_57[x + 1];

	for (int j=0;j<4;j++)
		for (int i=0;i<8;i++)
	 	    Billboard[p+i] = Billboard[p+i] << 1;
			Billboard[p+i] = Billboard[p+i] | (u & 0x01);
			u = u >> 1;
	for (int j=0;j<4;j++)
		for (int i=0;i<8;i++)
	 	    Billboard[p+i] = Billboard[p+i] << 1;
			Billboard[p+i] = Billboard[p+i] | (l & 0x01);
			l = l >> 1;

void DoStr(char *data)
	int i;
	for (i=0;i<strlen(data);i++)
	    DoRastor(i * 6, data[i]);

Now I can put my LEDs in a box.


WS2811 LED Matrix
3264 x 2448 - 2M


  • Very Good, I was thinking of doing something like this too.

    Can you post the 3D stl file for your panel?

    Along a similar line is this product. See web page and attached image. He also created an Instructables article about his modules.

    The creator of these 7 segment LED modules use 3 WS2811 chips to drive the segments, assigning each color channel on each chip to different segments. Granted the LED's are going to be a fixed color, but you can add them serially to easily add more digits.

    I have 8 of these modules and have made a 3D printed mounting panel to hold them in groups of 4 but also allowing them to connect together in series for 8, 12, 16 digits on up.

    I've created some P1 code to drive them and will need to adapt either my original code or leverage jonnymac's driver to run them with a P2.

    1000 x 800 - 76K
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