Usually this means the heap size needs to be increased. From my experience, it usually happens during string concatenation or manipulation or printing.
It is an easy fix: set the const HEAPSIZE to a larger value. Try this:
EDIT: In earlier versions it was sometimes necessary to force garbage collection using __gc_collect(), but the current version GC works really well, and just giving the heap more space with HEAPSIZE (and letting it manage GC on its own) is a better fix.
You are using a current version, right? Version 5.0.8 or later?
Usually this means the heap size needs to be increased. From my experience, it usually happens during string concatenation or manipulation or printing.
It is an easy fix: set the const HEAPSIZE to a larger value. Try this:
EDIT: In earlier versions it was sometimes necessary to force garbage collection using __gc_collect(), but the current version GC works really well, and just giving the heap more space with HEAPSIZE (and letting it manage GC on its own) is a better fix.
You are using a current version, right? Version 5.0.8 or later?