P2 running FPGA code on P2 Edge
in Propeller 2
Quick question about VGA example from FPGA boards…see code below:
'* VGA 640 x 480 x 8bpp-lut *
intensity = 80 '0..128
fclk = 80_000_000.0
fpix = 25_000_000.0
fset = (fpix / fclk * 2.0) * float($4000_0000)
vsync = 0 'vsync pin (all FPGA boards now)
DAT org
' Setup
hubset #$FF 'set clock to 80MHz
rdfast #0,##$1000-$400 'load .bmp palette into lut
rep @.end,#$100
rflong y
shl y,#8
wrlut y,x
add x,#1
rdfast ##640*480/64,##$1000 'set rdfast to wrap on bitmap
setxfrq ##round(fset) 'set transfer frequency to 25MHz
'the next 4 lines may be commented out to bypass level scaling
setcy ##intensity << 24 'r set colorspace for rgb
setci ##intensity << 16 'g
setcq ##intensity << 08 'b
setcmod #%01_0_000_0 'enable colorspace conversion
wrpin dacmode,#3<<6 + 0 'enable dac modes in pins 0..3
' Field loop
field mov x,#33 'top blanks
call #blank
mov x,#480 'set visible lines
line call #hsync 'do horizontal sync
xcont m_rf,#0 'visible line
djnz x,#line 'another line?
mov x,#10 'bottom blanks
call #blank
drvnot #vsync 'sync on
mov x,#2 'sync blanks
call #blank
drvnot #vsync 'sync off
jmp #field 'loop
' Subroutines
blank call #hsync 'blank lines
xcont m_vi,#0
_ret_ djnz x,#blank
hsync xcont m_bs,#0 'horizontal sync
xcont m_sn,#1
_ret_ xcont m_bv,#0
' Initialized data
dacmode long %0000_0000_000_1010000000000_01_00000_0
m_bs long $7F010000+16 'before sync
m_sn long $7F010000+96 'sync
m_bv long $7F010000+48 'before visible
m_vi long $7F010000+640 'visible
m_rf long $7F080000+640 'visible rlong 8bpp lut
x res 1
y res 1
' Bitmap
orgh $1000 - $436 'justify pixels at $1000, pallete at $1000-$400
file "bitmap2.bmp" '640 x 480, 8pbb-lut
If this code is ran on the P2 Edge…what are the pins assignments?
I think it’s pins 0 through 4, but I’m not sure what pins are R,G,B,H, and V
'* VGA 640 x 480 x 8bpp-lut *
intensity = 80 '0..128
fclk = 80_000_000.0
fpix = 25_000_000.0
fset = (fpix / fclk * 2.0) * float($4000_0000)
vsync = 0 'vsync pin (all FPGA boards now)
DAT org
' Setup
hubset #$FF 'set clock to 80MHz
rdfast #0,##$1000-$400 'load .bmp palette into lut
rep @.end,#$100
rflong y
shl y,#8
wrlut y,x
add x,#1
rdfast ##640*480/64,##$1000 'set rdfast to wrap on bitmap
setxfrq ##round(fset) 'set transfer frequency to 25MHz
'the next 4 lines may be commented out to bypass level scaling
setcy ##intensity << 24 'r set colorspace for rgb
setci ##intensity << 16 'g
setcq ##intensity << 08 'b
setcmod #%01_0_000_0 'enable colorspace conversion
wrpin dacmode,#3<<6 + 0 'enable dac modes in pins 0..3
' Field loop
field mov x,#33 'top blanks
call #blank
mov x,#480 'set visible lines
line call #hsync 'do horizontal sync
xcont m_rf,#0 'visible line
djnz x,#line 'another line?
mov x,#10 'bottom blanks
call #blank
drvnot #vsync 'sync on
mov x,#2 'sync blanks
call #blank
drvnot #vsync 'sync off
jmp #field 'loop
' Subroutines
blank call #hsync 'blank lines
xcont m_vi,#0
_ret_ djnz x,#blank
hsync xcont m_bs,#0 'horizontal sync
xcont m_sn,#1
_ret_ xcont m_bv,#0
' Initialized data
dacmode long %0000_0000_000_1010000000000_01_00000_0
m_bs long $7F010000+16 'before sync
m_sn long $7F010000+96 'sync
m_bv long $7F010000+48 'before visible
m_vi long $7F010000+640 'visible
m_rf long $7F080000+640 'visible rlong 8bpp lut
x res 1
y res 1
' Bitmap
orgh $1000 - $436 'justify pixels at $1000, pallete at $1000-$400
file "bitmap2.bmp" '640 x 480, 8pbb-lut
If this code is ran on the P2 Edge…what are the pins assignments?
I think it’s pins 0 through 4, but I’m not sure what pins are R,G,B,H, and V
Maybe whatever you are plugging it into has one?
Anyway, VGA RGB&Hsync have to be on consecutive pins starting from a multiple of 4. HSync comes first.
VSync can be on any pin...
The streamer modes changed from Rev A(FPGA) to Rev B/C silicon.
Also the HUBSET value nedds changing too.
FPGA/Pnut v33 is for the RevB silicon. Those ones should have correct streamer modes. Only thing to fix up is the HUBSET mode to get matching 80 MHz in finished silicon.
PS: I've attached example from v33k.
Couldn't find any that work with new Prop Tool...
So, remade them here: