FlexProp command line tools
David Betz
Posts: 14,516
in Propeller 2
First, I did read the README.md file in the FlexProp directory but I'm still not sure how to build the samples. Do I need to set an environment variable that points to the system includes? If I try to compile cdemo.c, I get this:
dbetz@Davids-Mac-mini-2 samples % flexcc cdemo.c error: Preprocessor errors: /Users/dbetz/Dropbox/p2/flexprop/samples/cdemo.c:4: error: Can't open include file "stdio.h" #include <stdio.h> /Users/dbetz/Dropbox/p2/flexprop/samples/cdemo.c:5: error: Can't open include file "propeller.h" #include <propeller.h> /Users/dbetz/Dropbox/p2/flexprop/samples/cdemo.c:18: error: Can't open include file "sys/p2es_clock.h" #include "sys/p2es_clock.h" 3 errors in preprocessor.What step did I miss?