BS-2 READ timing

in BASIC Stamp
I have recently done some experiments that suggest the BS-2 READ statement takes roughly 1 msec per byte. (Don't ask why). This seems to be VERY ssslllllooooww.
Can anyone confirm or deny?
Thanks for your kind attention.
Tom Crawford
Can anyone confirm or deny?
Thanks for your kind attention.
Tom Crawford
You add turn off and clock it with your scope, on, off, on, off etc.
What I have written there for a READ 0,x command on the BS2 is 550µs.
Both GET and PUT took a little more than 200µs each, and, not surprisingly, WRITE came in at 6000µs and depended more on the eeprom.
I don't know why READ took that long, but it does require several eeprom accesses coming and going.