Download failed - Propeller not found

This is the error message I got from the first run attempt. The propeller board is P8X32A. It's powered properly with the switch lights on (I guess). The USB cable is connected firmly. There is only 1 port (COM1) in the dropdown. Is that the correct port? How do I check if it is the correct one?
I unplugged the USB cable. Downloaded and installed both the Parallax USB driver versions (v2.10.00 and v2.12.16r2) from the link below. Restarted the PC and plugged back in the USB cable. Still the same error.
Disconnect / Reconnect the USB cable and observe the BlocklyProp com port dropdown to see which com number appears / dissapears as the USB cable connection changes.
If not, what is the pcb part number and REV letter ? Usually a 5 digit part number printed somewhere on the pcb.
Yeah, I disconnected the USB cable and the COM1 is still there. This probably means the propeller didn't get detected at all. How can I fix it then?
Also the board didn't appear on the device manager and device and printers. Is it possible that the board is damaged or just bad connection?
What I also found out, was that the Online version of BlocklyProp works ok, so that's something you might want to consider for troubleshooting.
After a few days of shipment, the new USB cable makes it work now.