spin2cpp build problem
David Betz
Posts: 14,516
I've been away for a while and decided to update spin2cpp to the latest code. I did a "git pull" but when I type "make" I get the following error:
dbetz@Davids-Mac-mini-2 spin2cpp % make bison -t -b ./build/spin -d frontends/spin/spin.y frontends/spin/spin.y:7.9-18: syntax error, unexpected identifier, expecting string make: *** [build/spin.tab.h] Error 1This is when attempting to build on the Mac with the Xcode command line tools.
It looks like you'll need a newer version of bison. I can't build on my Mac right now because after I upgraded Xcode stopped working, but my Mac mini can't be upgraded to the Mac OS that the newest Xcode needs, so for now I'm stuck . But probably there's some way to get a stand-alone version of bison. If all else fails you can probably build it from source.