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I Need a free electronic schematic program — Parallax Forums

I Need a free electronic schematic program

I formerly had a great program, but it was on another computer and is lost. Your suggestions wil be appreciated!


  • KiCad EDA

    A Cross Platform and Open Source Electronics Design Automation Suite

  • Thanks Bob!
    That looks pretty good!
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    ExpressSCH was what I was using before KiCad. It's easier if you don't need the kicad to tie in with a pcb design.
  • I use also EasyEDA if i like to have a cloud based system.
  • Unless you are designing pcbs you don't really need one. Why wouldn't you just draw it by hand?
    Sure, an electronic version looks great but what's the point if you only have a breadboard?
    The main advantage of the schematic is that if done properly then the netlist can assist with the pcb layout and connections.

    Otherwise if you still want a general recommendation then I would recommend Kicad but there is always the learning curve involved with any CAD package.
  • ExpressPCB classic is super easy to learn and the PCB designer ties in with the schematic. It's proprietary but their PCB service is also very good and fast for small quantity orders, and I use the schematic program for all sorts of other purposes.
  • Diptrace has a free version of their program. It's limited to 300 pins but it should let you open some of Parallax's Diptrace files.

    I've used a couple different layout/schematic programs I like Diptrace much much more than the other programs I've tried.

    I started out with Eagle but I tried DipTrace since Parallax recommended it. Even though I had spent much more time learning to use Eagle, I found I was faster with DipTrace after having it for just a few hours.
  • I'm going to try all the new (to me) suggestions, but I have to give a special thanks to the person that mentioned ExpressPCB. I had forgotten the name. I have only a small learning curve with that one because I used it about 3 years ago.
    Thanks to all for taking the time to help!
  • Duane Degn wrote: »
    I started out with Eagle but I tried DipTrace since Parallax recommended it. Even though I had spent much more time learning to use Eagle, I found I was faster with DipTrace after having it for just a few hours.

    Very nice :smile:
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 15,022
    If it’s a circuit and not a pcb, then LTSpice is ok and will let you simulate too...
  • I haven't used ExpressPCB in years and do not know if they have added checking or not. In case they have not, here is a pointer to a program that fills that deficiency.
  • I recommend KiCAD, as it not only has a schematic designer, but a footprint designer and pcb designer as well, plus a few other features.
  • Thanks for all the time you(all) took to help me!!

    Can I change the subject to request a simple 2D Cad program suggestion?

    I formerly used Autosketch, but AutoCad doesn't support it on modern machines (I have WIN 10 now). Any suggestions for a cheap or free 2D mechanical CAD program with a short learning curve?
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2020-12-01 01:40
    LTSpice is great for simple schematics or for ones that are in the library, and there is also a lot of support but for embedded projects you are better off with Kicad IMO. They have all the symbols that you would ever require and you can create your own etc.

    As for "short" learning curve, that has a lot to do with attitude I find. When we initially go "I don't like this" then the learning curve is too steep. Much better to approach it as if you were given a paid job and you have to use it. Once you knuckle down and put the effort in, then anything is easier and the learning curve is "short".

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