demo of FullDuplexSerial4port ?
Posts: 1,768
Does anyone have some code showing the use of this object with 3 or more ports?
--demo1 is a single port of the 4 opened for debug, that's all.
--demo2 opens 3 ports, one for debug, one for receiving data from outside, and one to fake that external data by sending it from another cog "asynchronously". That uses RTS/CTS flow control between the cogs.
-- demo4 shows the setup for an open baud mode, as you might use for multidrop or RS485 to a single rx/tx pin.
There is a fourth file, dataIO4port.spin, that handles the numeric formatting and such for the demos.
I should note that these are for the original program that Tim Moore developed. He included a demo with the distribution, a demo that involved communication with GPS and other devices.
I mostly use a version of FDS4port now where I've stripped out the flow control and made other changes and bug fixes as well.
Just to be clear, Tim's ultimate version was pcFullDuplexSerial4FC.spin. <>
Where "FC" stands for flow control. He added flow control in response to forum requests. Some time later I modified his code to the "4port" suffix, and later to the version I use now, which has the flow control stripped out. Other folks here have come up with their own versions as well. So, no wonder there is a bit of confusion!