Power Adapters for the P2 Edge Module Breadboard
in Propeller 2
I believe I remember @"Ken Gracey" recommending these power modules from amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07W5HMSG3/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A2UFPLZYDNEVHB&th=1
I'm not fully versed on QC 3.0 yet but from what I've read these power modules can deliver between 3.2v - 20v dynamically in 20mv increments depending on what the device [ie phone] communicates to it. What voltage will these power modules be delivering to the P2 Edge Module Breadboard which recommends not going above 5.5V? Any ideas? Has anyone used these yet?
I'm not fully versed on QC 3.0 yet but from what I've read these power modules can deliver between 3.2v - 20v dynamically in 20mv increments depending on what the device [ie phone] communicates to it. What voltage will these power modules be delivering to the P2 Edge Module Breadboard which recommends not going above 5.5V? Any ideas? Has anyone used these yet?
Also, some reading up suggests that QC 2.0 (not sure about the higher levels, but it's supposed to be backwards compatible, so yeah) doesn't need any smarts at all, you just put specific regulated voltages on D+/D- with some particular timing
My JohnnyMac arrived arrived yesterday, fired it up with this left over from fpga work