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Hub Hex Dump addition for JohnnyMac's jm_serial & jm_fullduplexserial spin library — Parallax Forums

Hub Hex Dump addition for JohnnyMac's jm_serial & jm_fullduplexserial spin library

Here is a new object to add on to JohnnyMac's serial library.

Hopefully his jm_serial and jm_fullduplexserial objects will become a standard.

I use the hub hex dump facility often to display data in hub (and cog and lut) using the ROM serial/debugger. So I've created an add-on object that returns a formatted string ready for output to the serial port, or to a screen. It's quite simply a format routine that returns a single 80 character line (pointer) that is terminated in <cr><lf> followed by $0 for the string termination.

You're welcome to include it in your routines directly if you think it's worthwhile.

In essence, this is it - nothing fancy.
pub hubdump(addr1) : p_str | addr, value, chr, i, j                         ' Return pointer to string of 4 longs from hub (1 line on 16 byte boundary)

  bytefill(@pbuf, 0, PBUF_SIZE)                                             ' clear buffer
  p_str := @pbuf                                                            ' point to start of buffer
  addr := addr1 & $ffff0                                                    ' round down hub address to 16 byte boundary

  value := addr << ((8 - 5) << 2)                                           ' prepare for hex display of 5 digits (<<3*4)
  repeat 5
    byte[p_str++] := lookupz((value ROL= 4) & $F : "0".."9", "A".."F")      ' insert 5 digit hub address

  byte[p_str++] := ":"
  byte[p_str++] := " "
  repeat i from 0 to 3
    repeat j from 0 to 3
      byte[p_str++] := lookupz((byte[addr]   >> 4): "0".."9", "A".."F")     ' insert 2 hex digits...
      byte[p_str++] := lookupz((byte[addr++] & $F): "0".."9", "A".."F")
      byte[p_str++] := " "
    byte[p_str++] := " "
  addr-=16                                                                  ' point back to start

  byte[p_str++] := "'"
  repeat i from 0 to 15                                                     ' insert 16 bytes as ascii chars
    chr := byte[addr++]
    if (chr < $20) | (chr > $7E)                                            ' ascii character $20..$7E, else print "."
      byte[p_str++] := "."
      byte[p_str++] := chr
  byte[p_str++] := "'"
  byte[p_str++] := CR
  byte[p_str++] := LF

  p_str := @pbuf                                                            ' point to start of buffer
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