Possible to load-up a P1 program from another MCU?
Posts: 2,734
in Propeller 1
Just brainstorming a concept, here.
If I have my Micromite using the P1 as a peripheral, is it possible to take a Prop program from the Micromite's SD card and load/execute it on the Prop?
If I have my Micromite using the P1 as a peripheral, is it possible to take a Prop program from the Micromite's SD card and load/execute it on the Prop?
I'm sure it must be if you get the micromite to imitate PC on serial.
The protocol is available and I have in the past written a program in Basic (Freebasic or was it Qbasic or QB64....can't remember), that can read a file from disc and run it on the prop's ram, wasn't rocket science if I can do it so the micromite can surely do it- especially since it will not have to worry how to pulse the props reset pin.
Micromite BASIC is very similar to MS BASIC.
Any idea where I can find the protocol?
I think this is what I used