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Inline assembly considered harmful — Parallax Forums

Inline assembly considered harmful

OK, probably a controversial title. The new inline assembly feature of Spin2 (and its corresponding feature in languages like C and BASIC) is certainly handy and lots of us are using it. I'd like to suggest though that it would be good for us to minimize use of it. Here are some reasons why:

(1) Assembly code is harder to read (and write) than high level language code. Especially this affects readers; newcomers to the platform probably haven't wrapped their heads around assembly code yet, and may well be confused by inline assembly blocks. It's better to keep as much as possible in the high level language.

(2) It's often not necessary. The heavy lifting is generally done by smart pins, so timing of the Spin2 code is (usually) not too critical. Even in cases where the Spin2 code is doing its job, it's frequently better to use addct/waitct to ensure cycle accurate delays, rather than relying on counting cycles in the assembly code. Spin2 is much faster than Spin1, so it's often possible to do real work in Spin2.

(3) If you really need exact timing, it may be better to run the code in another COG (not inline on the same COG).

(4) Inline assembly is not portable. Not all compilers/languages support inline assembly, and those that do have quite different syntaxes for it. This will matter a lot when we want to port drivers, in particular to MicroPython.

(5) If you need higher speed from your code, consider using a high level language/compiler that can compile to native code. For Spin2, there's fastspin. See the next message for some examples of how tightly fastspin can optimize Spin2 code.

Yes, having said all this there will be times when inline assembly can do the job and nothing else can. My argument is that those times are much fewer than we may initially think, and it's good to get in the habit of sticking to portable Spin2 code as much as possible.


  • Fastspin can optimize tight Spin2 loops pretty well, as we can see with some examples. Code was compiled with fastspin 4.3.0, although the later 4.2.x versions produce pretty similar results.

    EXAMPLE: bit-banged SPI

    Some code to bit-bang an SPI interface (from the "simplespi" benchmark). First the plain Spin2:
      BASEPIN = 4
    VAR byte msg[512]
    pub main() | i
      repeat i from 0 to 511
    pri spiWriteData(spiData) | spiCount
      spiData <<= 24  ' get data into high byte
      repeat 8
        if (spiData & $80000000)
        spiData <<= 1

    Here's what gets generated (I've omitted the startup code):
    	mov	COUNT_, #3
    	call	#pushregs_
    	mov	local01, objptr
            decod   local02, #9
            loc     pa,     #(@LR__0004-@LR__0001)
            call    #FCACHE_LOAD_
            rdbyte  local03, local01
            drvh    #4
            drvl    #7
            drvl    #4
            shl     local03, #24
            rep     @LR__0003, #8
            shl     local03, #1 wc
            drvc    #5
            drvh    #7
            drvl    #7
            drvh    #4
            drvl    #5
            add     local01, #1
            djnz    local02, #LR__0001
    	mov	ptra, fp
    	call	#popregs_

    Some things to note:

    (1) Everything got inlined (the compiler will do this at -O2 with small functions or ones that are only called a few times).

    (2) The IF statement with pinl/pinh got converted to drvc. We could also have used pinw, but that's a more complicated function; for just one bit it's usually best to use pinl/pinh, that lets the compiler do more optimization.

    (3) Notice how the test of the high bit (x & $8000_0000) can be combined with the left shift. Something similar can be done with tests of the low bit and right shifts.

    (4) The whole loop got converted into a block loaded via FCACHE into LUT memory, so it can run at full speed.

    (5) Instead of `mov local02, ##512` the compiler generated `decod local02, #9`. Little optimizations like this add up, and it's the kind of thing that is easily overlooked when writing by hand.

    EXAMPLE: timing input pulses

    Spin2 code for timing the duration of an input pulse:
    pub pulse0_in(pin) : result | t0
        pinf(pin)	     ' make the pin an input
          t0 := getct()
        until pinr(pin) == 0
          result := getct()
        until pinr(pin) <> 0
        result -= t0

    The Spin2 code compiled with fastspin -2 -O2:
    	mov	COUNT_, #2
    	call	#pushregs_
    	fltl	arg01
    	loc	pa,	#(@LR__0003-@LR__0001)
    	call	#FCACHE_LOAD_
    	getct	local01
    	testp	arg01 wc
     if_c	jmp	#LR__0001
    	getct	local02
    	testp	arg01 wc
     if_nc	jmp	#LR__0002
    	sub	local02, local01
    	mov	result1, local02
    	mov	ptra, fp
    	call	#popregs_

    The final assembly is pretty efficient; you won't really get much better writing by hand.
  • Got my vote.
  • cgraceycgracey Posts: 14,274
    It's quite useful for learning, at least. It simplifies the context.
  • AribaAriba Posts: 2,690
    I agree that inline assembler should be minimized.
    But often you need the fine control over timing. Your resulting SPI clock for example may be too fast for an LCD, in PASM you just insert a NOP, but
    how do you do that in high level code, and independent of the optimization?

    One problem with too much inline PASM is that all the PASM snippets of all the included objects must fit into the available cog memory that is reserved for inline PASM.

  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    ersmith wrote: »
    The final assembly is pretty efficient; you won't really get much better writing by hand.

    Certainly, users can tune their HLL code style to get better assembler, and I do that all the time on other MCUs.
    There is always an Assembly-generated window open, showing how well, or poorly, the compiler did !!

  • I agree with Eric. Using inline PASM when it's not needed just makes your code harder to understand and less portable.
    However, if you need to use it then, go ahead, just be aware of the porting issues (if any).

    Ariba, inline PASM doesn't have to go in COG memory. fastspin lets you do either.

  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,983
    Inline assembly is great for learning assembly once you know Spin.
    It can also save cogs...

    Tricky with FastSpin though, because loops run slow unless you figure out how to get it moved to LUT.

    Personally, I really, really like inline assembly.
  • I see where Eric is coming from. But I am slowly teaching myself PASM through those quick little bits of inline code when FlexBASIC cant get close enough to the metal for my taste. Then that wonderful ASM / END ASM saves the day.
  • Roy ElthamRoy Eltham Posts: 3,000
    edited 2020-08-14 03:00
    Eric changed things so that you can place functions in cog/lut memory, check the general docs.
    He also has alternate specifications for inline asm that will load it into the fcache, also in general docs.
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,230
    edited 2021-09-05 14:18
    I write Spin code for myself and my clients. I find inline PASM2 one of my favorite features of the P2. It gives me the speed and precision that I need without having to start (and possibly stop) another cog.

    Frankly, I don't trust the available compilers for the Propeller, and certainly wouldn't use one for a client project. The free compiler writers have no financial motivation to support me or any other user of their tool, and they could just go away leaving users high-and-dry. A lot of people loved using BST, but it now sits, unchanged in years, because Brad walked away from the project and elected not to open-source his code before leaving the community (which is certainly his right, and while saddened by it, I don't criticize him for).
    (1) Assembly code is harder to read (and write) than high level language code.
    The assembly code coming out of available compilers certainly fits that description. Most of us doing inline assembly, however, are adding comments to help ourselves and those reading the code. I have received a lot of feedback from readers of my N&V columns and users of my objects -- a few have stated that my code motivated them to learn more about assembly. That said, we all know that I don't write complicated assembly, but I do write clean, nicely-formatted code that works.
    (2) It's often not necessary.
    My thought about Propeller compilers, exactly. Spin is fast enough for most tasks and when I need speed I can turn to assembly. With the P2, I'm happy that I don't have to start and stop a cog to get that speed. Of course, using Spin I don't have to worry about using a compiler. Long term, I'm going to encourage my friends at Parallax to write a C interpreter for the P2 (a BASIC interpreter, too). No, neither would be as fast as native code compilers (which P2 users are free to enjoy), but it would give better code density and the syntax that the C and BASIC communities really like. Parallax changed from a PIC tool supplier to a microcontroller vendor with the BASIC Stamp 1. I think an updated version of PBASIC that takes advantage of the P2 would be a welcomed product by a lot of people. As much as I like Spin, I'd probably use P2BASIC from time-to-time as well.
    (3) If you really need exact timing, it may be better to run the code in another COG (not inline on the same COG).
    I disagree. Cogs are a resource that should not be wasted and using inline assembly in the P2 is a big help in saving resources. Why should I run a cog driver for just a couple of WS2812 LEDs on a convention badge? I was forced to in the P1, but not with the P2. I believe in freedom of choice, so I have full ports of my jm_rgbx_pixels and jm_apa102c drivers for the P2, but I also have "EZ" versions (for the WS2812 and APA102c) that use inline assembly for those projects that don't need the features of the full-blown objects.
    (4) Inline assembly is not portable.
    So, what? We have fixed target, and in my opinion, should be writing good code for what we have versus something that *may* run somewhere else. I don't have to think about my Spin code running on another micro, so the portability argument is moot. Now, if what is meant that working Spin2 with inline assembly won't properly compile with an outside tool, it is the responsibility of the toolmaker to fix that.
    (5) If you need higher speed from your code, consider using a high level language/compiler that can compile to native code.
    Why? So I can deal with compiler bugs and hope they get fixed before my project deadline? Why should I or any other competent programmer trust that the compiler provider -- especially one not charging for the tool -- is doing the right thing? We're all human.
    One problem with too much inline PASM is that all the PASM snippets of all the included objects must fit into the available cog memory that is reserved for inline PASM.
    I spoke with @cgracey about this when writing my article and I don't believe this is the case. The way he explained it is the parameters, results, locals, an inline PASM2 get shuttled into the Spin cog when encountered; the code runs, and the variables are written back. IIRC, there is room for about 300 instructions, so the short segments that I and others are writing are not going to create a problem. I can have as many inline segments as I want, so long as none of them exceed ~300 instructions. None of mine do; they're generally less that 20-30 lines of assembly code.
    Using inline PASM when it's not needed just makes your code harder to understand and less portable.
    I will determine my own needs, thank you, and will continue to include comments in my inline assembly segments. I'm looking forward to the day that compiler writers start commenting their assembly output so that others can learn from it, otherwise, making that output available seems pointless.

    I'd love to know how this code helps a student learn P2 assembly.
    	mov	COUNT_, #2
    	call	#pushregs_
    	fltl	arg01
    	loc	pa,	#(@LR__0003-@LR__0001)
    	call	#FCACHE_LOAD_
    	getct	local01
    	testp	arg01 wc
     if_c	jmp	#LR__0001
    	getct	local02
    	testp	arg01 wc
     if_nc	jmp	#LR__0002
    	sub	local02, local01
    	mov	result1, local02
    	mov	ptra, fp
    	call	#popregs_

    If I desire precision for that routine, I think this way does the job well and actually helps those looking at my listings to learn from them.
    pub pulse0_in(pin) : result | t0 
                    fltl      pin                                   ' make pin an input
    .waitidle       testp     pin                           wc      ' sample pin
        if_nc       jmp       #.waitidle                            ' wait for idle state (1)          
    .wait0          getct     t0                                    ' capture ticks
                    testp     pin                           wc      ' sample pin
        if_c        jmp       #.wait0                               ' wait while pin is high
    .wait1          getct     result                                ' capture ticks 
                    testp     pin                           wc      ' sample pin
        if_nc       jmp       #.wait1                               ' wait while pin is low
                    sub       result, t0                            ' difference is pulse width

    Personally, I really, really like inline assembly.
    I'm with you, Ray!

    I think it's fair to say that I have written more information about programming Propeller chips than anyone else. I choose Spin, but have always shared with my readers that they have choices -- I have in fact promoted the non-Spin tools in my writing. You will never see me put in an article or book, "You should use Spin because..." Likewise, I think it's a disservice to the community tell others that they shouldn't use inline assembly if that suits the needs of their projects.
  • Rayman wrote: »
    Tricky with FastSpin though, because loops run slow unless you figure out how to get it moved to LUT.
    All loops get moved to LUT automatically in fastspin if any optimizations are turned on (that's what FCACHE does). Nothing tricky about that!

    Or, you can manually place a function in LUT or COG by declaring it like:
    PUB {++lut} myfunc(x)

  • RossHRossH Posts: 5,542
    My 2c worth ...

    I don't think it is reasonable to offer a language facility but then claim it is somehow "wrong" or "harmful" to use it. If you really believe that (as I do about some language elements that I have been asked to add in the past) then don't offer it.

    If you do offer it, then expect it to be used, and be prepared to support it. Sure, you can provide "advice" on the use of the facility, but you should also be prepared for that advice to be ignored. You can't anticipate all ends, and probably shouldn't try.
  • JonnyMac, Eric is just saying that when you use an optimizing compiler you can avoid using inline assembly in many cases. In theory, it is better to use tools provided and supported by Parallax. However, Parallax has not done well in supporting the software tools in the past. Maybe they'll do better with the P2.

    Also, Parallax has only recently provided HLL support for the P2. For the past two years they have relied on their customers to develop their own software tools. I would hope that Parallax adopts one of the existing C solutions, and promotes it as the Parallax C solution. This would help to ensure software support in the future.
  • ersmithersmith Posts: 6,135
    edited 2020-08-14 12:36
    JonnyMac wrote: »
    Frankly, I don't trust the available compilers for the Propeller, and certainly wouldn't use one for a client project. The free compiler writers have no financial motivation to support me or any other user of their tool, and they could just go away leaving users high-and-dry.
    The same argument could be made against Parallax itself, which is a very small company. But you do make a good point: relying on any one point of failure is dangerous. Which is a good reason to make your code portable between tools. For example, if you write in C you have a choice of a number of compilers for the P2. If you have a problem with one C compiler you can switch to another, as long as you haven't tied yourself to one of the compilers by using particular non-portable features.
    (1) Assembly code is harder to read (and write) than high level language code.
    The assembly code coming out of available compilers certainly fits that description. Most of us doing inline assembly, however, are adding comments to help ourselves and those reading the code.
    Of course you do, and you do a good job of it. But my point is that assembly language is inherently harder to read than high level language. That's the reason high level languages were invented! Moreover, someone reading inline assembly has to understand both the native language it's embedded in and the assembly itself. So whatever you do it's harder to read than just writing in the high level language.
    (4) Inline assembly is not portable.
    So, what? We have fixed target, and in my opinion, should be writing good code for what we have versus something that *may* run somewhere else. I don't have to think about my Spin code running on another micro, so the portability argument is mute.
    I wasn't thinking so much of portability between micros (although that is a concern too) as portability between languages/tools. For code you're writing for yourself maybe this doesn't matter. For code shared with the community, the simpler the code is the more likely other people can take advantage of it in other languages/tools.

    In particular, MicroPython (which is going to be an officially supported P2 language) does not have inline assembly, so objects with a lot of inline assembly are going to be harder to port. Again, this may or may not matter to any particular programmer.
    Using inline PASM when it's not needed just makes your code harder to understand and less portable.
    I will determine my own needs, thank you, and will continue to include comments in my inline assembly segments.

    Of course you will, and for your own projects use whatever style/tools/conventions you like! My thread title was deliberately provocative, but it was intended in a tongue-in-cheek way. Obviously everyone should use whatever tools/style/convention best suits them. But for code shared with the community, it is good to keep in mind the broader needs and abilities of the community. That's not to try to dictate anything (heaven knows that all code that's shared is helpful, and your code in particular is wonderful Jon!).

    My point is just that code that minimizes inline assembly is even more accessible and broadly useful than code that unnecessarily uses inline assembly.

    Just to emphasize: I'm not trying to criticize anyone's code, or dictate to anyone about how they must write their code. I'm offering a suggestion here that I hope people will consider, but it's just my 2c.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,983
    ersmith wrote: »
    All loops get moved to LUT automatically in fastspin if any optimizations are turned on (that's what FCACHE does). Nothing tricky about that!

    I remember when you added this... But, since forgot exactly how it works...

    So, is the default optimization -O1? And, does that automatically use FCACHE?
  • TubularTubular Posts: 4,726
    edited 2020-08-14 13:42
    ersmith wrote: »
    In particular, MicroPython (which is going to be an officially supported P2 language) does not have inline assembly, so objects with a lot of inline assembly are going to be harder to port.

    MicroPython *does* have inline assembly on other platforms, see

    There's even a book about it

    The creator of MicroPython talks here about how to speed up code all within MP, ending with the inline assembly (around 500x faster than naive code)

    As a halfway point I expect being able to manipulate memory or registers using machine.mem16 may be useful, and isn't too hard to read
    eg (from MP docs) machine.mem16[stm.GPIOA + stm.GPIO_ODR] ^= BIT14

    Its true we don't need to hurry into having inline assembler in P2 MicroPython, thanks to the .CPU proposal you proposed and Rogloh also implemented in Native P2 MicroPython, so it really only becomes an issue once cogs are in short supply. But as soon as that happens you really want (and need) to be doing the inline assembly in same cog.

    Eric I get where you're coming from the Flexgui (compiler) perspective, but for the official Spin2 (interpreter) having inline assembly, that doesn't need to spawn another cog to do something efficient in the pasm2 domain, makes a heap of sense.

  • Rayman wrote: »
    ersmith wrote: »
    All loops get moved to LUT automatically in fastspin if any optimizations are turned on (that's what FCACHE does). Nothing tricky about that!

    I remember when you added this... But, since forgot exactly how it works...

    So, is the default optimization -O1? And, does that automatically use FCACHE?

    Yes and yes. Since fastspin 4.3.0 you can turn individual optimizations on or off (so you could enable -O1 without FCACHE via -O1,!fcache).
  • ersmithersmith Posts: 6,135
    edited 2020-08-14 13:45
    Tubular wrote: »
    ersmith wrote: »
    In particular, MicroPython (which is going to be an officially supported P2 language) does not have inline assembly, so objects with a lot of inline assembly are going to be harder to port.

    MicroPython *does* have inline assembly on other platforms, see
    Yes, but that isn't implemented yet on the P2, and in any event the syntax is quite different from standard PNut syntax.
    Eric I get where you're coming from the Flexgui (compiler) perspective, but for the official Spin2 (interpreter) having inline assembly, that doesn't need to spawn another cog to do something efficient in the pasm2 domain, makes a heap of sense.

    fastspin/flexgui can handle inline assembly just fine. I'm just suggesting that people think twice before using it, because it will make porting their code to other languages (in particular MicroPython as it exists now) harder.

    Similarly, although fastspin has some very nice (IMHO) extensions to Spin2 like default parameter values or being able to use Spin1 syntax, you should think twice before using those features and tying yourself to fastspin. That's one reason I added the -Werror option to warn about these kinds of things. They're not inherently wrong, and you should use them in your own code when appropriate, but in code that's shared with the community you may want to avoid non-portable constructs.
  • The same argument could be made against Parallax itself, which is a very small company.
    Not the same at all; Parallax is their job, not something just for fun; it's a commercial operation which motivates them to stay viable.
    JonnyMac, Eric is just saying that when you use an optimizing compiler you can avoid using inline assembly in many cases.
    This thread could have easily been titled "Why Inline Assembly is Not Needed With Optimizing Compilers." It wasn't, though. He chose to be provocative (his words) by painting with a very broad, tyrannical brush.

    Look, I understand that those writing compilers for the Propeller family put in an enormous effort, with no financial gain from it. But this is a choice they make -- nobody forces them to give away their work. Even if I don't use those tools, I have used my platform (e.g., writing for N&V) to promote those tools. I really like the Propeller as a device, and if people want to try it using something other than Spin, that's okay with me.

    My suggestions to compiler writers:
    1) Don't tell people what they should and shouldn't do; allow them their freedom to choose from what your tool will accommodate.
    2) Make Spin compilers 100% compatible with Parallax tools, then add more features (BST did this).
    3) If you're going to encourage people to look at the assembly output of your tool, make it easy on the eyes and useful for students.

    I don't think it is reasonable to offer a language facility but then claim it is somehow "wrong" or "harmful" to use it. If you really believe that (as I do about some language elements that I have been asked to add in the past) then don't offer it.

  • Hey Jon
    I write Spin code for myself and my clients. I find inline PASM2 one of my favorite features of the P2. It gives me the speed and precision that I need without having to start (and possibly stop) another cog.

    Frankly, I don't trust the available compilers for the Propeller, and certainly wouldn't use one for a client project. The free compiler writers have no financial motivation to support me or any other user of their tool, and they could just go away leaving users high-and-dry.

    I certainly did not read the entire thread and this is a bit off topic, but after reading this, I do have something to say. Please don't take this as an attack on you, just because I am quoting you and referring to what you said, because it is not an attack on you or your preferences.

    Although not as long as you, I have been a Parallax customer and a forum member for many years. Unlike you, I prefer C/C++ over Spin code, but that is just my preference. Regardless of the language used for programming the Propeller, I personally do not believe that we have seen a well executed and complete Parallax supplied programming environment. In my opinion, the Propeller Tool and SimpleIDE both lacked completeness.

    I agree with you that the free compiler writers have no financial motivation to provide support, and yes, I also agree they could also just disappear.

    I believe that even though Parallax resources are limited, they need to come up with the funding to create a programming environment for both C/C++ and Spin, which is both complete and professional, as well as being supported by Parallax. I believe this is paramount to their success.
  • ersmithersmith Posts: 6,135
    edited 2020-08-14 15:51
    JonnyMac, Eric is just saying that when you use an optimizing compiler you can avoid using inline assembly in many cases.
    This thread could have easily been titled "Why Inline Assembly is Not Needed With Optimizing Compilers." It wasn't, though. He chose to be provocative (his words) by painting with a very broad, tyrannical brush.
    The thread title is a reference to the (in)famous paper Go To Statement Considered Harmful. I wasn't trying to be "tyrannical", and I'm sorry it came across that way. It was a sort of CS in-joke, because I think inline assembly is a lot like the GOTO statement: a sharp, useful tool which is handy but perhaps sometimes over-used.
    If you're going to encourage people to look at the assembly output of your tool, make it easy on the eyes and useful for students.
    I don't think I ever claimed the assembly output was "readable", just that it was "efficient", and that's what I was focused on. If I was going for readability I would have shown the listing file output, which does at least have the original Spin code inserted as comments.

  • Wuerfel_21Wuerfel_21 Posts: 5,235
    edited 2020-08-14 16:06
    ersmith wrote: »
    JonnyMac, Eric is just saying that when you use an optimizing compiler you can avoid using inline assembly in many cases.
    This thread could have easily been titled "Why Inline Assembly is Not Needed With Optimizing Compilers." It wasn't, though. He chose to be provocative (his words) by painting with a very broad, tyrannical brush.
    The thread title is a reference to the (in)famous paper Go To Statement Considered Harmful. I wasn't trying to be "tyrannical", and I'm sorry it came across that way. It was a sort of CS in-joke, because I think inline assembly is a lot like the GOTO statement: a sharp, useful tool which is handy but perhaps sometimes over-used.
    Ironically, goto is under-used these days because everyone was told that "goto bad because goto bad, raptor will eat you if you use goto so don't"

    Also, regarding assembly output readability: The main thing I think is annoying with fastspin's ASM output is that even minor changes rename almost all the LR__XXX labels which is annoying when you diff two files - is there anything you could do to minimize the amount of label names a single change can impact?
  • Ironically, goto is under-used these days because everyone was told that "goto bad because goto bad, raptor will eat you if you use goto so don't"
    Good point. "Here's something to think about..." is far more inviting than "Don't!" to those one wishes to influence. My thought is that the title of this thread might dissuade experienced programmers who are new to the Propeller from giving it a fair try.
  • ...they need to come up with the funding to create a programming environment for both C/C++ and Spin, which is both complete and professional, as well as being supported by Parallax.
    It has been stated many times, by Parallax, that it is not going to happen. Also, the emphasis is being put on micropython, we will have to wait and see if Parallax decides to fund that, and if it is supported in-house.

    As for PASM2, I thought that Spin2 was supposed to have enough commands and power to alleviate the need for inline assembly. If not then maybe that power should be added. PASM2 will not go away, but maybe with a more powerful Spin2, you could eliminate the use of inline assembly, for us neophytes.

    I remember SimpleIDE and jazzed, once he left, so did the Parallax support for that IDE. Just a reminder how quickly things can change, even at Parallax.

  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,189
    RossH wrote: »
    My 2c worth ...

    I don't think it is reasonable to offer a language facility but then claim it is somehow "wrong" or "harmful" to use it. If you really believe that (as I do about some language elements that I have been asked to add in the past) then don't offer it.

    If you do offer it, then expect it to be used, and be prepared to support it. Sure, you can provide "advice" on the use of the facility, but you should also be prepared for that advice to be ignored. You can't anticipate all ends, and probably shouldn't try.

    That's exactly what ersmith has done ?
    The in-line-asm feature is there and it is very useful, but it is a 'use with care' and 'do you really need to use that' feature.
  • As for PASM2, I thought that Spin2 was supposed to have enough commands and power to alleviate the need for inline assembly.
    Interesting. I never would have made that supposition. Remember, there is no inline assembly in Spin1, it's a new feature in Spin2 (that made me do back flips of joy).

    To those who tell me that Spin2 is fast enough (indeed, it is much faster than Spin1, even at the same clock speed) and that I shouldn't need inline assembly, I ask them to swallow their own medicine and not use a compiler. Oh, but they prefer to write in a different syntax. I get it, and I support that. I prefer to write the bulk of my code in Spin2, and when it strikes me or I believe is absolutely necessary, I use some inline assembly. This is my preference. As others have pointed out, using inline assembly in the P2 is a great way to learn PASM2 is a controlled environment. I'm going to point this out in my seminar.

    ... how quickly things can change, even at Parallax.
    Except with Spin; they created it, they own it, and they support it. Like many, I hope that things work out in such a way the Parallax will add more official languages to the P2. The interpreter is no longer etched in silicon (it gets downloaded with your app) which means it can be updated, and it can be replaced with another language. I sincerely believe that a P2BASIC interpreter would make a lot of people very happy -- and it would be getting back to Parallax's roots.
  • I sincerely believe that a P2BASIC interpreter would make a lot of people very happy -- and it would be getting back to Parallax's roots.
    Hey Jon, there you go, a nice little project for you. It should be a breeze for you, especially if it was written in Spin2/inline assembly. And if you made it with the same features that FlexBasic has, that would be big plus. I am sure that Parallax would give you full support.

  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,230
    edited 2020-08-14 22:15
    I don't have the skills, nor do I wish to acquire them.
    especially if it was written in Spin2/inline assembly.
    I don't think you understand how the Spin2 tools work. The Spin2 program is compiled to bytecodes on the PC. The bytecodes and binary image of the interpreter cog code get downloaded into memory. On boot, the binary image of the interpreter is moved into a cog, started, and executes the compiled bytecodes.

    This is not a simple exercise in Spin2/inline assembly.
  • JonnyMac wrote: »
    I sincerely believe that a P2BASIC interpreter would make a lot of people very happy -- and it would be getting back to Parallax's roots.
    Does it have to be an interpreter? Eric's FastSpin compiler suite supports BASIC. Although I guess you're probably suggesting that Parallax create P2BASIC since people would be hesitant to use a language not fully supported by Parallax?

  • Although I guess you're probably suggesting that Parallax create P2BASIC since people would be hesitant to use a language not fully supported by Parallax?
    That's it. Chip likes creating bytecode interpreters -- he's done that for a long time. There are elements in the P2 that support bytecode interpreters which is why Spin2 is so much faster than Spin1. Since the interpreter code is downloaded with the bytecodes, it could be any language. An update of PBASIC makes sense. That said, if the project actually happens, it would be wise to look at other flavors of BASIC for good ideas.
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