in Propeller 2
Has anyone ever run HDMI_Spiral_Demo.spin2 or HDMI_Spiral_Demo_800x480.spin2 (example programs in PNut IDE). Also what is the header pin group that must be used for connection to the HDMI monitor. I know the program loads properly because an led blinks to indicate this. Thanks, James
The easy way to to this is solder a 1k resistor from the +5v header pad, across to the through hold pad near the hdmi connector
CON hdmi_base = 48 'must be a multiple of 8
I tried both with the new screen 7 inch hdmi. Put the hdmi module on pin 48 group and got nothing.
Screen powers up blue then grey.
Using my rev b board not my rev c.
Maybe someone else has a cure?
Did you try the 5V link Tubular mentioned?
I did that. The board is getting 5vdc through the red/white. The board powers up with a blue screen. Then goes kind of grey in color. I guess it is waiting for communications from the P2. This is my first attempt at hdmi. I put the hdmi module on the P2 pin that says 48. Tried the goertzel from chip got an error on startup.
I just tried it with the latest version of Pnut(U) and it works with the defaults.
CON hdmi_base = 48 'must be a multiple of 8
_clkfreq = 250_000_000 'system clock frequency must be 250 MHz for HDMI
fast = 1 '0 for small code (7.8 fps), 1 for fast code (36.6 fps)
bitmap = $400 'HDMI bitmap (300 KB)
DAT org
coginit #1,##@pgm_hdmi 'launch HDMI
coginit #0,##@pgm_bmap 'launch bitmap cog
Just to be clear, the 5V power supply to the HDMI screen is one thing, whereas the 5V logic signal to enable the monitor output is another.
I've not got that screen, but if it needs the logic "enable" signal then you'd need to connect that to the pad marked 5V by the HDMI connector.
You could test that quickly by using a jumper wire whilst the code is running, and touch between the 5V HDMI pad and any 5V power source. (At the P2-EVAL ACC HDR perhaps). If that works, you should see the blue screen vanish.
@"Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL)" Did you need to have that 5V logic signal connected for the Parallax 7" monitor ?
I don't have my Parallax 7" monitor yet. I don't thing it even shipped yet.
I tried the demo on a Asus desktop monitor.
I got mine delivered yesterday. I have to buy yet another HDMI cable since all mine are 900 miles away.
I haven't received a shipping notice yet. Maybe I'll log into my account the status, although I'm not in a hurry for it.
Thanks Bob.
So for @pilot0315 this means we still don't know if that monitor needs the logic enable or not.
That said.... Ken showed the monitor in a zoom session, and I didn't notice he had a jumper on the hdmi board.- although it still wouldn't hurt for you to try that.
Another thing worth trying... move to another set of pins. Change the BasePin value in the code to 40 or 32, and move the HDMI adapter to the corresponding edge header.
And also, you could test the P2 hdmi adapter by connecting it to a TV or monitor with HDMI input.
Confirmed that you don't need the 5V logic signal on that 7" monitor!
Timmoore's suggestion seems like a good one to consider first.
And also try a different base pin, or indeed a different monitor to verify the P2 output
And one other thing.... use an external 5V supply with sufficient current rating for the monitor (I think you mentioned doing that, but just in case)
How did you get Pnut "u" to work. My computers keep saying VIRUS?
So far so good. on Ver v. Will try the hdmi display and see what happens.
@"Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL)"
Version "v" works. Ver "u" did not.
Confirmed that you don't need the 5V logic signal on that 7" monitor!
Correct no 5v logic signal.
Great news. Good job!
Any ideas?
Thanks Martin
Is it in your folder?
I will re download the file and look.
@"Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL)"
Can't find the download.
Do you know where it is?
Google will give you the answer in 0.24 seconds, after typing the filename into the search box...
Try this:
https://github.com/parallaxinc/propeller/tree/master/resources/FPGA Examples
Are you MAC guys having a problem with virus?