Introduction to the Parallax Propeller 2 - by JonnyMac (posted on Nuts and Volts)
Ken Gracey
Posts: 7,395
in Propeller 2
Hey all,
A very easy-to-read, current, and comprehensive introduction to the P2 was published for a wider audience by JonnyMac. You'll see references to P2D2, Eric Smith's work, Terry Hitt's BASIC and Ross's Catalina C.
The conversational writing style is something I've personally missed in technical articles and we're so thankful and pleased that @JonnyMac is part of the community.
Ken Gracey
A very easy-to-read, current, and comprehensive introduction to the P2 was published for a wider audience by JonnyMac. You'll see references to P2D2, Eric Smith's work, Terry Hitt's BASIC and Ross's Catalina C.
The conversational writing style is something I've personally missed in technical articles and we're so thankful and pleased that @JonnyMac is part of the community.
Ken Gracey
It helps demistify the smart pins.
It also reports on the major contributions of the compiler and interpreter authors in a fair way.
I look forward to your forthcoming book dedicated to demystifying smart pins!
Congratulations, this is a definitive introduction to the P2.
A well constructed narrative that covers history, technical specs, sample code, development options/languages and links.
Very good Jon!
Is it in a future version of SPIN2?
I think both jm_led_gamma and jm_pwm are missing from the zip file. I managed to found the latter in a previous post. Maybe just human error?
You can find jm_led_gamma.spin2 file in the archive.
I'm glad you enjoyed the article, and I appreciate the kind words from the community.
Well done fellow prophead
I'm not there yet, mind you! I still have major issues with the devastation this 14-year Quixotic quest has wreaked upon Parallax, its employees, its bottom line, and its core business model. In Ken's position, I would've canceled it years ago, brother or no brother. But, despite my continued misgivings, I now recognize that there might be a germ of something worth paying attention to here.
My eyes and ears are perked up. I dare anyone to make me a convert!
You did an amazing job with your articles about IQ detectors etc with the P1. The P2 can do way more. If you get inclined, I would love to see where you could take the P2. There is a thread about SDR Radio - I'm sure you could make such things work on a P2 nicely.
Maybe I should say it would be impossible for you to do it
Even in its infancy ...
But Phil, although the P2 is still fairly new, haven't we demonstrated that already in so many ways? The memory alone has made a lot more possible, the speed alone, has also made a lot more possible, the smartpins alone have made a lot more possible, the new instructions and hardware support too have made a lot more possible. The list goes on but none of these things are in fact alone, they are all packed in under the hood of that P2 logo of that 100 pin chip. Oh, yes, twice as many I/O too.
I have no doubt that as hard as it may be to hop off that P1 horse and then look rather clumsy mounting this big new bucking and rearing and rather scary P2 horse, that not only will you become a big grinning fan of it, but you will once more be teaching us how to ride this beast that we think we know how to ride, just as you did with the P1.
Show me a specific app that the P2 can succeed in that the P1 cannot, and I might be a believer. But I will be hell-bent to demonstrate that the P1 can do the same thing.
David, I am working on it in my spare time.
WooHoo GREAT news _ I was beginning to wonder if I would bother with the P2 at all- But now I'm optimistic.
I work exclusively with Beans PropBasic- every day - it hits the spot with me- not too high level - no types 'any'-... etc.
When I use it I tend to think of it as a high level assembler with familiar Basic like mnemonics and no 'garbage removal' et all hanging in the background.
Yup, exactly. There is plenty of room for easy to control 'high level assemblers'
Good to hear.
One detail that went past on the Python demo, was a nifty idea where they used Basic Stamp style commands to access smart pins, and then had a 'show me disasm' step, which exposed what that command did at the smart pin level.
Smart pins will be opaque to many, so a setup where users can launch a pin on a single line, and then inspect/copy the assembler that got the pin working, could be usable in any overall P2 development.
.code.basic() or
.code.spin2() etc.
We'd just need to template wrapper to format the code so it's right for each language.