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What do you want in a Serial Driver? — Parallax Forums

What do you want in a Serial Driver?

Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
edited 2020-07-28 00:33 in Propeller 2
There seems little interest in the serial driver I posted a couple of days ago

My serial driver is derived from my P2 ROM Serial/Monitor/Debugger code.

I will be providing simple spin2 calls to my serial driver (pasm in its' own cog) shortly, provided there is interest.

So, do you want a standard serial driver?
If yes, what features (ie calls/routines) do you want?
What languages do you want to call it from?
What interface (eg hub mailbox) do you want?
Do you want the serial driver to reside in its' own pasm cog?
If not, then what features, cog/lut or hubexec?

Here are the calls for the P1 FullDuplexSerial (not it used its' own cog for the pasm, and could only be called from spin)...
PUB Start(rxPin, txPin, mode, baudrate) : okay
PUB Stop
PUB RxFlush
PUB RxCheck : rxByte
PUB RxTime(ms) : rxByte | t
PUB Rx : rxByte
PUB Tx(txByte)
PUB Str(stringPtr)
PUB Dec(value) | i, x
PUB Hex(value, digits)
PUB Bin(value, digits)

Here are the calls supported (or planned) in my serial driver...
Init            initialise: (rxpin, txpin, bitper, rxbuf_address)
TxChar          send 1-4 characters, options to reverse byte order
TxStr           send $0 terminated string
TxHex           send long in hex, options to reverse byte order, add space in pairs, 1-8 digits
TxList          send/dump line(s) of hex & ascii from hub (cog/lut not relevant), option to display longs, give address range
TxBin           send binary, 1-32 digits
TxDec           send decimal, signed/unsigned
RxChar          (not tested) receive a char, options to send prompt 1-4 chars first, echo, strip <lf>, wait or return $1FF in not-avail
RxStr           (not tested) receive string, options to send prompt 1-4 chars first, echo, strip <lf>, supply new hub buffer address. Can edit with <bs>
Monitor         call Monitor/Debugger (as in P2 ROM). Returns with Q<cr>
Note: RxChar serves both Rx and RxCheck functions of FullDuplexSerial. All other functions are available.
Can be called from pasm, spin, or any other language, via a simple hub mailbox (any language that provides hub read/write access).

I find the biggest and easiest features of my serial are the TxList and Monitor features when debugging.
A simple call to TxList can display/dump line(s) of memory in both hex and ascii
01AE0: 70 05 00 00  EC 7C BB B9  0A E0 A4 2D  8A 3A FA A1   'p....|.....-.:..'
01AF0: 07 95 34 04  09 3E 02 0E  53 CA 27 FC  F4 D2 72 FE   '..4..>..S.'...r.'
And a simple call to the Monitor enables interactive display and modification of memory, and when done can return to your program.

So, what do you want, if anything???


  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2020-07-28 01:19
    Do all these ASCII based drivers need their own formatting routines? It seems like a duplication but different for each output device. In TAQOZ for instance I have the standard formatting routines including DUMP etc but they are not device specific, all I need to do if I want to use them in VGA or Serial or LCD etc is to simply redirect the output to that device. So PRINT" Hello World" is the same routine whether I redirect it to VGA or Serial or as Morse code.

    The other thing is with serial transmit is that I prefer to simply send it or wait to send it, but use a high baud rate so that it shouldn't have to wait either. The trouble with buffering output is that you can end up filling the buffer and waiting anyway, plus there is a lot more overhead in buffering and transmitting under interrupts.

    Anyway, it seems that obex drivers could do with a standard API so that one comprehensive and standard set of formatting routines are totally reusable, as are any new formatting routines.

    P.S. Features wise you could include break detection with optional automatic user specified action, be it reset or abort etc, but from the driver itself. I also have character sequence detection where up to 4 characters are matched to a 32-bit constant, so you could make this another driver level feature that works whether or not the user code is working properly.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2020-07-28 01:44
    Do all these ASCII based drivers need their own formatting routines? It seems like a duplication but different for each output device. In TAQOZ for instance I have the standard formatting routines including DUMP etc but they are not device specific, all I need to do if I want to use them in VGA or Serial or LCD etc is to simply redirect the output to that device. So PRINT" Hello World" is the same routine whether I redirect it to VGA or Serial or an Morse code it.
    Yes, we are on the same page. All display routines go via one single Tx routine which can be substitued.
    Normally I would expect that a different driver would be loaded (with identical routines) to support VGA, HDMI or whatever, plus some form of input such as a keyboard. Since a standard hub mailbox is used, the driver can be switched on the fly, without the user program even knowing.
    The other thing is with serial transmit is that I prefer to simply send it or wait to send it, but use a high baud rate so that it shouldn't have to wait either. The trouble with buffering output is that you can end up filling the buffer and waiting anyway, plus there is a lot more overhead in buffered and transmitting under interrupts.
    Agreed, and that is precisely what I do. Receive is a different matter tho'. Here I am up for discussion. I think Rx and variants is different to RxStr (rx string) where a buffer is used and it can be edited in place using <bs>, just waiting for a <cr> before being returned (with $0 appended) to the calling program.
    Anyway, it seems that obex drivers could do with a standard API so that one comprehensive and standard set of formatting routines are totally reusable, as are any new formatting routines.
    That was a big annoyance to me!
    Not only that, but even the basic routine to send/display a character had different names (eg tx, out, send, etc)

    However, the problem is what do you write it in if you do not include it in the actual driver?
    My routines were originally written in pasm for lmm hub mode, then hubexec for the P2 ROM, and now they also work in cog (pasm).
    IMHO having it embedded in the driver makes the most sense as long as the calls are the same between drivers.

    Of course the original intent was to have these routines resident in P2 HUB as loaded by the ROM. But now we cannot use that method anymore.
  • The original for P1, Full-Duplex Serial with 4-ports did everything I could imagine. I used it with Simple Numbers as an add-on. Every project I worked on, never had a problem & it worked great.
  • I don't use mailboxes for handling different devices since they require code be running in interrupts or on another cog, but I do revector the EMIT and KEY routines. If the vector is zero then the standard serial output is used, otherwise the vector is used. In Spin2 we should be able to have the "emit" routine do something similar although I'm not sure what mechanism we have for reading and calling vectors.

    In TAQOZ the VGA word is used to redirect output to a VGA output routine which also processes control controls and sequences etc, just as if it were a device on the remote end. So, no special routines for the application, just talk to the "device" much like we do in Linux.
    A "page" ($0C) command clears the screen on the VGA the same way it does on the serial terminal. CR moves to the left column but does not advance to the next line since that's what LF does etc.
  • I think it was Phil Pilgrim who suggested there should be a generic formatting object that could be used for anything that could emit a character and a string. I got used to formatted output writing Python code at my last job so I made a bit of an attempt to add that to jm_serial.spin2. That code, though, really should exist outside jm_serial so that it can be used with other character-based devices.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2020-07-28 03:07
    JonnyMac wrote: »
    I think it was Phil Pilgrim who suggested there should be a generic formatting object that could be used for anything that could emit a character and a string. I got used to formatted output writing Python code at my last job so I made a bit of an attempt to add that to jm_serial.spin2. That code, though, really should exist outside jm_serial so that it can be used with other character-based devices.
    While I would love for those routines to exist outside of the driver, and would agree with that for P1, it doesn't make sense to me on P2 because...
    * P1 required spin whereas P2 does not. Therefore the spin interpreter may not exist and so the code needs to be in the language of either the user (in the users code space) or in the driver (in the drivers language and code space)
    * If it resides outside the driver, it will need to be ported to all languages
    * If it resides within the driver, then while it needs to be duplicated for each driver (the code can be a common include if it is the same language), residing within the driver has the advantage that it can be executed within the drivers' time-frame and typically within the cog/lut and therefore using less hub space.

    I've seen first-hand the issue of making these routines work from hubexec (for users space). You need to minimise the resources used - PA/PB/PTRA/PTRB, internal call stack, cog register space, all at the expense of code (hub) space. BTW these pasm hubexec routines can be called from any language, provided you can give up 16 cog registers.
    When used in a driver, the space and registers can be shared to be efficient for the driver concerned, and they don't impact on the users space or language.

    Jon, your thoughts on this please? (please don't take this the wrong way because I value your thoughts)

    We really need to try and get this right before we have too many fragmented drivers/routines.

    Oh, and I missed the python way. Unfortunately I see lots of HL languages make all sorts of ways to format strings with data. I guess the reason we haven't seen a standard way is because none of them seem to be easy to use.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    TAQOZ can do all sorts of things in minimal code.
    But don't we need the 64KB code base to get to it?
    And we can't call it from any program?

    So, how can we leverage TAQOZ without needing to understand it first?
  • @Cluso99 - sorry, I'm not talking about using TAQOZ per se, but more about how it could be done. It's just that I've always cringed when I used Spin in P1 and the obex driver would mostly be dedicated formatting routines, and a little bit of driver. That never made sense to me to have all those dedicated routines and so FDS could have been just the PASM and the API so that any formatting package would work, much like the graphics driver would work.

    BTW, the TAQOZ footprint is actually way smaller and even fully expanded doesn't use up 64k.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    I prefer them to be in the driver because this doesn't use resources within the calling program, and it can be run in parallel (ie without waiting) if so desired. BUT I absolutely want the call to be the same, no matter what the input/output form (eg serial, vga etc).

    I would expect most standard drivers will use pasm, so it would make most sense for these routines to be in pasm so that they can be "lifted" into other drivers. So I guess what is required is that these general routines (Jon has them in jm_nstr.spin) should be available as a pasm object that can be "included" in different drivers.
  • roglohrogloh Posts: 5,882
    edited 2020-07-28 06:12
    My nebulous/random thoughts on some useful object for this stuff... but is this achievable?

    It would be great to have a handy type of IO driver/object API that can be used from PASM/SPIN2, or other languages that can input/output formatted data and which is re-directable to different devices such as serial, video, network etc if low level character I/O is available from those device drivers.

    It defintely seems wasteful for every driver to have to provide the same formatting code if something common could do it and the drivers just output characters.

    You'd want this to be multi-COG capable: maybe one COG is printing debug info to serial while another is writing characters to a video console. Of course sharing the same output may become problematic unless it is line based, or commands are allowed to block while the resource is busy etc.

    You could probably still use hub exec for a character formatting IO driver, and callable directly even from PASM2 if you can preserve or not need any special regs like PTRA, PTRB, etc and run with some pre-allocated hub stack area etc.

    It would be nice to somehow tap into the existing SPIN2 SEND capability too as this has variable length argument capabilities which is convenient for debug printing and is also re-directable in its own right. Someone clever mentioned using parameters values > 255 for pointers to strings or other data, and <256 for individual characters which is a good idea. This may allow mixing format strings and other data if some format string is always expected as the first argument for example, like a printf().

    For some generic input type functionality it would either need to be a able to read a single character, word, long etc, or do string reading until end of line or a given number of bytes if a buffer is provided. Probably needs to have blocking and/or timeout options.

    For something like reading from a USB keyboard, supporting input may need an additional helper COG to continually poll the source of data or have an interface where its data can be collected/buffered in the IO driver. Serial receivers also may need to have something polling them regularly or be interrupt driven in a COG to avoid overflow, though some of that polling overhead could be pushed to the client side.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2020-07-28 07:56
    rogloh wrote: »
    My nebulous/random thoughts on some useful object for this stuff... but is this achievable?

    It would be great to have a handy type of IO driver/object API that can be used from PASM/SPIN2, or other languages that can input/output formatted data and which is re-directable to different devices such as serial, video, network etc if low level character I/O is available from those device drivers.
    This is the point of using a hub mailbox. It works from PASM/SPIN2 now, and only requires hub access to extend to any language.
    It defintely seems wasteful for every driver to have to provide the same formatting code if something common could do it and the drivers just output characters.
    IMHO it's not wasteful if it resides within the driver in cog/lut tho. And this way it can be buffered allowing the user program to continue. Just load up whatever driver you need, which also can be done on the fly too since the newly loaded routine would use the same mailbox and commands.
    You'd want this to be multi-COG capable: maybe one COG is printing debug info to serial while another is writing characters to a video console. Of course sharing the same output may become problematic unless it is line based, or commands are allowed to block while the resource is busy etc.

    You could probably still use hub exec for a character formatting IO driver, and callable directly even from PASM2 if you can preserve or not need any special regs like PTRA, PTRB, etc and run with some pre-allocated hub stack area etc.
    This is done in my ROM serial/debugger/monitor. It is hubexec and only requires 16 longs for registers of which 4-5 need to be preserved while the others are temporary scratch registers. The internal stack is used. No special registers are used. A hub buffer is required for rxstring only.
    I have a version that can be relocated to any hub address and any group of 16 cog registers.
    It would be nice to somehow tap into the existing SPIN2 SEND capability too as this has variable length argument capabilities which is convenient for debug printing and is also re-directable in its own right. Someone clever mentioned using parameters values > 255 for pointers to strings or other data, and <256 for individual characters which is a good idea. This may allow mixing format strings and other data if some format string is always expected as the first argument for example, like a printf().

    For some generic input type functionality it would either need to be a able to read a single character, word, long etc, or do string reading until end of line or a given number of bytes if a buffer is provided. Probably needs to have blocking and/or timeout options.
    RxString in the ROM serial does this (character and string). String includes editing with <bs> and terminates with <cr> and appends $0 for $0 terminated string. No blocking/timeout option but could be easily implemented in the soft version.
    For something like reading from a USB keyboard, supporting input may need an additional helper COG to continually poll the source of data or have an interface where its data can be collected/buffered in the IO driver. Serial receivers also may need to have something polling them regularly or be interrupt driven in a COG to avoid overflow, though some of that polling overhead could be pushed to the client side.
    I see this as all being in its' own cog.
    In P1 we had a smart UART with FullDuplexSerial. But it was only callable from spin, and had a spin interface where the formatting was done in spin (slow) and in the calling cogs' code space and timeframe.
    In P2 we can have a super-smart UART which can have format processing within the same driver cog.

    One interesting point of my serial/debugger is that it has its' own monitor. You can call this from your user program and this then gives you interactive memory display and modification. It can also actually locate and read a FAT32 file from SD and even run it. I have this in the current serial driver too, although for now I disabled it to save needing lut code space. The monitor also has downloading capability too.

    So, the serial driver could have a key sequence (ie from the keyboard/PC) which could drop into the monitor without the user program even knowing!
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,230
    edited 2020-07-28 20:13
    Jon, your thoughts on this please? (please don't take this the wrong way because I value your thoughts)
    I'm going to do my own thing. Forgive me to chiming in. I'll stop doing that.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Always pleased to get your input. Even you're doing your own thing is valuable.

    So may I ask why?
    What will your serial do?
    Will it encompass what I am doing?
    Maybe I don't need to continue and do something else?
  • AribaAriba Posts: 2,690
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Always pleased to get your input. Even you're doing your own thing is valuable.

    So may I ask why?
    What will your serial do?
    Will it encompass what I am doing?
    Maybe I don't need to continue and do something else?
  • IMHO, we don't need another serial driver. If I only need debug output I can use printf in C or the PNut debugger in Spin. If I need full duplex and buffered communication I can use FullDuplexSerial. FullDuplexSerial2 (by MSrobots and Eric) even supports two ports simultanously with only one cog.
  • @Cluso99
    My 2 cent
    If you want a serial driver that can set a standard and be used by anyone and everywhere using its dedicate cog than, in my opinion, it should have:
    - at least 2 (if not 4) serial ports (otherwise for one serial a cog is a waste)
    For each serial port:
    - it must be configurable in terms of used pins
    - every serial port should have its own baudrate (if not too complicated perhaps it could be differentiated also between rx and tx)
    - it must support 7,8,9 data bits (if possible also 5) and parity control
    - when in 9 bit mode it should support internally at least 2 addresses comparison (one for itself, one for broadcasts): if data is not addressed to one of this two it can be discarded.
    - it must have optional auto rts/cts hw flow control configurable using additional io pins of course
    - it must support half-duplex mode and have optionally TxEn io pin to drive also RS485/422 buses
    - it can recognize a few user-configurable bytes eg (STX, ETX)
    - it should have two 64 byte FIFO for RX and TX
    - as a bonus, when using 9bit data in RS232, and P2 pins are not a concern it could have double rx/tx pins eg (RX, RX', TX, TX'): when using rs232 daisy chain communication you need 2 rs232 connectors (in and out) on the same serial controller. You can have external AND/OR ports to wire them, but having the internal (P2) AND/OR function can save on BOM (and whatever comes with it: design, soldering, ...).

    So 4 configurable pins for every serial channel:
    - standard RX
    - standard TX
    - optional CTS/RX'
    - optional RTS/TX'/EN

    And I agree with others that formatting functions should be left outside. Perhaps a hub-exec block of pasm on which Spin2/TAQOZ/Other wrappers can be made available to other cogs and other languages.

    The mailbox communication is also ok for me. .... and, at the end, also formatting routines can be hosted internally in the driver (if it is cog/lut it not hurts) but not at expense of the above requirements.
  • Since most of the heavy lifting can be done by smartpins, I would think that a dedicated COG should be able to handle 16 or even 32 serial channels.

    I also agree that formatting routines should be independent. The core serial object should implement tx, rx, and maybe the equivalents of Unix read/write (for efficiency). Everything else can be done in a formatting object.

    Which brings up the question of how the formatting object should work, namely how one specifies the tx routine to use. Just passing it as a method pointer seems reasonable. SEND would be another option, but that's harder to get working in other languages (like MicroPython).

  • I don't know if it's exactly the same way you guys are thinking, but what I do with all my terminal/display drivers is #include the same terminal routines file, so they have all the usual hex, dec, etc, plus printf. All it needs is a few elemental device-specific methods like char(), newline(). This way they all (serial, vga, oled, LCD, etc) operate the same way.
  • roglohrogloh Posts: 5,882
    edited 2020-07-30 01:38
    But is there a #include facility in SPIN2? In C this stuff is easy and printf is essentially built in, but in SPIN2 we seem to need to duplicate formatting stuff in each object. If there was some common formatting object that could also redirect its output (as characters) to various output objects, that could help resolve this duplication. I added some basic printing capabilities to my own video object, but the same would be needed for output over serial, network, LCD driver, etc if you want to send to those, and your code is then locked to specific output devices at compile time, and not as easy to redirect without lots of source code changes. That's the part I don't like about each object doing formatting its own way. Ideally (for me) there could be some layer to format and redirect output to low level devices. I know more problems arise when multiple environments are used, like C+SPIN2, or TAQOZ or MicroPython which want to do output in their own way, so I guess I am mainly talking SPIN2 here for starters.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    Eric has #include but unfortunately it's not in pnut or PropTool. There is the file command but that only imports a binary (ie not source code)

    I have thought about breaking out the formatting (pasm) code into a module that could be included in various drives. It would be easy to do except for the missing #include in pnut. IMHO it really needs to be in the driver as that saves the code from needing to be available in various languages to be included into the users code.

    Some languages have their own formatting methods, and that's fine for them too. They can still use the xxx driver without utilising the drivers' formatting code.

    No one else seems interested anyway :(

  • Well one can include the same spin object as sub object in multiple other objects, and PropTool Pnut just include the code once.

    Basically this is smarter then #include since it does not include the routines into the source of every caller including it, it calls one object from multiple calling objects using it.

    You need to put all variables of the subobject you relay on into the VAR section, so every caller has its own set.

    So in some form Spin1 and Spin2 have a include function.


  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2020-07-30 05:46
    msrobots wrote: »
    Well one can include the same spin object as sub object in multiple other objects, and PropTool Pnut just include the code once.

    Basically this is smarter then #include since it does not include the routines into the source of every caller including it, it calls one object from multiple calling objects using it.

    You need to put all variables of the subobject you relay on into the VAR section, so every caller has its own set.

    So in some form Spin1 and Spin2 have a include function.


    This doesn't work for pasm code that gets included in a pasm driver within the cog.
  • Maybe with the object pointers supported we could have an IO Object API that can get passed input/output objects that are expected to have a given set of primitive character input/output functions used to actually send/receive data.

    I guess what I am thinking about for SPIN2 is probably a type of common wrapper layer which I called "iodrv" below that knows how to format and can be used to redirect. Method names used below are just for example only and not a proposal. Maybe for inputting interactive data as a string it could include some optional capability that also allows simple backspace/del editing and/or can echo chars. This sort of common input/output stuff has to be repeated in everyone's code otherwise and gets tedious.
       long buf[100]
       io : "iodrv" ' common io redirection object
       vid : "p2videodrv"
       ps2 : "ps2drv"  ' e.g. ps/2 kbd driver
       uart : "smartserialdrv"
    PUB demo() | x, y
       io.start(@vid.tx, @ps2.key) ' initializes input/output default path to use video console and PS/2 keyboard
       io.hex($1234, 4) ' hex output 4 digits
       io.dec(123) ' output unsigned dec
       io.bin(x, 32) ' binary output 32 bits
       io.tx("A")  ' output single char
       io.print(string("Hello world")) ' output a null terminated string
       io.printf2(string("%d %8x"), x, y)  ' output two formatted arguments (would need a bunch of these APIs)
       io.write(@buf, 100) ' outputs 100 bytes from a buffer
       io.setOutput(@uart.tx) ' now redirects output used by for this COG to a serial port
       io.print(string("Sending to UART"))
       io.rx() ' read a single char/key/value
       io.input(@databuf, 32, 13) ' reads a string to a buffer, 32 = size limit to read, 13=terminating char is CR, 100) ' raw read 100 bytes
       io.poll() ' check if data is ready?
       io.ctl(x, y) '  set some driver specific parameter x to value y (like an IOCTL) 
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    These are the spin2 calls that I have..
    PUB demo()
      cog := ser.start(@ser_command) + 1                    ' start the serial driver in its' own cog
      ser.init(rxpin, txpin, @ser_buffer, _bitper)          ' initialise the serial driver
      ser.txchar(char)                                      ' send a character(s)
      ser.txstr(@str)                                       ' send a $0 terminated string
      ser.txcr()                                            ' send <cr><lf>
      ser.txdec(val)                                        ' decimal unsigned
      ser.txdecs(val)                                       ' decimal signed
      ser.txhex(val, digits)                                ' hex
      ser.txbin(val, digits)                                ' binary
      ser.txlist(addr1, addr2)                              ' list/dump memory (address range)
      ser.rxchar()                                          ' receive char (wait)
      ser.rxcheck()                                         ' receive char (return -1 if none avail)
      ser.rxflush()                                         ' flush any chars in the buffer
      ser.rxstr(@buf)                                       ' receive string, <cr> terminates with <cr>+$0, editing with <bs>
      ser.monitor()                                         ' calls the monitor (Q<cr> to return)
      ' some extended methods are available using the following call.
      ser.call_serial(CMD, val, @addr1, @addr2) 
    which is implemented in a spin2 object to call the pasm driver cog via the mailbox
    PUB start(addr) : okay                                  ' start the serial driver in its' own cog 
      mailbox := addr
      okay := cog := coginit(16, @ser_command, ptr_mailbox) + 1
    PUB stop()
      if cog
    PUB init(rxpin, txpin, @ser_buffer, _bitper)            ' initialise the serial driver
      call_serial((equ._CMD0+equ._INIT), _bitper, ser_buffer, (rx_pin<<8 + tx_pin)) 
    PUB txchar(char)                                        ' send a character(s)
      call_serial((equ._XMIT), char, 0, 0) 
    PUB txstr(@str)                                         ' send a $0 terminated string
      call_serial((equ._XMIT+equ._STR), str, 0, 0) 
    PUB txcr()                                              ' send <cr><lf>
      call_serial((equ._XMIT+equ._CRLF), 0, 0, 0)
    PUB txdec(val)                                          ' decimal unsigned
      call_serial((equ._DEC), val, 0, 0)
    PUB txdecs(val)                                         ' decimal signed
      call_serial((equ._DEC+equ._SIGN), val, 0, 0)
    PUB txhex(val, digits)                                  ' hex
      if digits > 7
        call_serial((equ._HEX+0), val, 0, 0)
        call_serial((equ._HEX+digits), val, 0, 0)
    PUB txbin(val, digits)                                  ' binary
      if digits > 31
        call_serial((equ._BIN+0), val, 0, 0)
        call_serial((equ._BIN+digits), val, 0, 0)
    PUB txlist(addr1, addr2)                                ' list/dump memory (address range)
      if addr2 == 0
        call_serial((equ._LIST), 0, addr1, 0)
        call_serial((equ._LISTequ._ADDR2), 0, addr1, addr2)
    PUB rxchar()                                            ' receive char (wait)
      call_serial((equ._RECV), 0, 0, 0)
      repeat while LONG[mailbox[0]] <> 0                    ' wait for serial mailbox empty
      char := LONG[mailbox[1]]                              ' get recv char
    PUB rxcheck() : char                                    ' receive char (return -1 if none avail)
      call_serial((equ._RECV+equ._CHECK), 0, 0, 0)
      repeat while LONG[mailbox[0]] <> 0                    ' wait for serial mailbox empty
      char := LONG[mailbox[1]]                              ' get recv char
      if char == $1FF
       char := -1  
    'PUB rxflush()                                           ' flush any chars in the buffer
    PUB rxstr(@buf)                                         ' receive string, <cr> terminates with <cr>+$0, editing with <bs>
      call_serial((equ._RECV+equ._STR+equ._ADDR), 0, buf, 0)
    PUB monitor()                                           ' call the monitor
      call_serial((equ._CMD0+equ._MONITOR), 0, 0, 0)
    ' some extended methods require an additional parameters - these calls can use the following call directly.
    PUB call_serial(cmd, val, addr1, addr2)                 ' generalised serial call
      repeat while LONG[mailbox[0]] <> 0                    ' wait for serial mailbox empty
      LONG[mailbox[1]] := val
      LONG[mailbox[2]] := addr1
      LONG[mailbox[3]] := addr2
      LONG[mailbox[0]] := cmd                               ' do this last
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    The is what I used in the P1 OS.
    In my above post, I used "ser" as the object name, but it could be anything. It is actually up to the driver cog to take the data from the mailbox, and deal with it - ie I/O to serial, VGA/Keyboard, etc.

    To change the I/O would be a simple matter of starting a "the driver" cog with a new driver using the very same mailbox. This can be done on the fly. With a small VGA/composite driver, it could be in the same cog as the serial driver. Thus, it would be an extended mailbox command that would switch between different inputs and outputs.

    The main point of this is that the compiled user program does not need to be recompiled for an alternate input and output driver. It's the basis of an OS which is almost what I had with P1.
  • Cluso99 wrote: »
    The main point of this is that the compiled user program does not need to be recompiled for an alternate input and output driver.
    Yes this is the handiest part. It lets us develop generic code whose output can be tweaked with a one line change at compile time to go from say sending to serial, to then using a video console etc. Also it could even allow it to change at runtime which opens up even more flexibility.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2020-07-30 08:39
    rogloh wrote: »
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    The main point of this is that the compiled user program does not need to be recompiled for an alternate input and output driver.
    Yes this is the handiest part. It lets us develop generic code whose output can be tweaked with a one line change at compile time to go from say sending to serial, to then using a video console etc. Also it could even allow it to change at runtime which opens up even more flexibility.
    I use this in my P1 OS. All the OS commands (eg DIR, COPY, etc) are separate programs loaded from SD. To extend the OS is a simple matter of compiling a new command and copying that file to the SD card. No OS file needs to change.

    To change the I/O from Serial to TV/Kbd (or something else) I just change a single OBJ line and re-compile one program (the OS base program - it’s like a bios program). There is no call change to switch the I/o driver. I never got around to permitting a driver change on the fly even tho it’s a simple matter. All I/O goes via a fixed hub mailbox. This is why the OS commands do not require re-compilation.

    So, it’s a tried and proven solution.
  • Cluso99 wrote: »
    msrobots wrote: »
    Well one can include the same spin object as sub object in multiple other objects, and PropTool Pnut just include the code once.

    Basically this is smarter then #include since it does not include the routines into the source of every caller including it, it calls one object from multiple calling objects using it.

    You need to put all variables of the subobject you relay on into the VAR section, so every caller has its own set.

    So in some form Spin1 and Spin2 have a include function.


    This doesn't work for pasm code that gets included in a pasm driver within the cog.


    Maybe Spin2 should get #include on top of 'file' in the new Version. There seems already a seed in Chips mind that #ifdef and Co could be implemented with some preprocessor.

    Fastspin already uses a standard include for formatting, but that might not work in Spin2 since it uses variable count of parameters for some printf routine.

    I really like eric's extension for variable count of parameter with defined standard values very much. That is missing in Spin2, but basically the send thing is doing it in Spin2, so pestetering @cgracey to extend his Spin2 to allow this for all methods too would be very useful.

    My FullduplexSerial2 driver adapted them to provide 2 ports with buffers in lut. just needs 12 longs mailbox in HUB

  • roglohrogloh Posts: 5,882
    edited 2020-07-30 12:40
    Yes Fastspin has some very nice features that would be great if they do make it into official SPIN2 at some point assuming it is possible architecturally. I really like these:

    1) dead code elimination from image, saves binary image memory by not including the methods that are not referenced - this would be ideal for building up a good set of library routines, e.g. graphics, that could bloat the code otherwise.

    2) #include for source (maybe #ifdef), though perhaps this is something a cpp front end could possibly do too.

    3) variable number of arguments, done in Fastspin with the default values, and is quite handy for those printf type functions. We do seem to have some form of it with SEND already so perhaps it might be possible.
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