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LoadP2 errors with custom board



  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2020-07-21 04:31
    Use the software manager or equivalent to get the serial module. Look for python3 serial.

    btw - I'm using Linux Mint 20
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2020-07-21 04:43
    I have the reset track cut on my board and I installed a jumper so I could disable it. I forgot I had it disabled, and then it worked for both loaders.

    Can you confirm that you can talk to the P2 by resetting it and then in the serial terminal that is connected typing the 3 characters > space esc
    This will bring you to TAQOZ and so you know it is all working.

    Using loadp2.
    14:38:22 TAQOZ$ ./loadp2 -n -v -SINGLE taqoz.bin
    Searching serial ports for a P2
    Loading taqoz.bin - 130944 bytes
    Checksum validated
    taqoz.bin loaded
    then the Python loader
    14:38:53 TAQOZ$ python3 taqoz.bin
    Python Prop2 loader Ver 1.2 14th Jan 2019 - ozpropdev
    Python version: 3.8.2 (default, Apr 27 2020, 15:53:34) 
    [GCC 9.3.0] 
    Scanning ports....
    /dev/ttyUSB0 = Prop_Ver G
    Project =  taqoz.bin on /dev/ttyUSB0
    HUBSET #1 Ok
    HUBSET #2 Ok
    Loading TXT ....complete
    14:38:57 TAQOZ$
  • perfect, I need admin rights, but this is ok.
    Thank you
    root@reinhard-TUXEDO:/home/reinhard/Schreibtisch/Propeller2# python3 ./testbench2/pong/pingpong.binary
    Python Prop2 loader Ver 1.2 14th Jan 2019 - ozpropdev
    Python version: 3.6.9 (default, Apr 18 2020, 01:56:04) 
    [GCC 8.4.0] 
    Scanning ports....
    /dev/ttyUSB0 = Prop_Ver G
    Project =  ./testbench2/pong/pingpong.binary on /dev/ttyUSB0
    HUBSET #1 Ok
    HUBSET #2 Ok
    Loading TXT ....complete
  • hmm, i was a little early looking forward to it. The binary is loaded, runs very briefly and then suddenly stops. I will test with other binaries and maybe narrow down the behavior.

  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2020-07-21 05:08
    Is your USB port power up to the task? Try feeding 5V from a charger into the aux connector.
    I don't ever seem to have any problems running it from the serial USB from my DELL laptop but be sure to use the short cable that comes with it to minimize the voltage drop.
  • With the AUX connector it is the same.
    If I connect the P2 ES Board with my old packard bell netbook, then it's ok and the green PC USB LED is on.
    I have only one USB cable with micro connector and that is appr. 1 m long.

    this is the situation:
    I can use a DVM via usb on the new notebook (and other usb devices) ... There is no problem ... so I think the usb port from notebook is ok
    I can use the P2 ES on my old netbook ... I can load with loadp2 and it's working ... so I think the P2 ES Board is ok

    that's funny :wink:
  • The cables that were supplied were 350mm long and study. There are many USB cables around but not all are up to scratch for high current but if it is short then there is more hope. So even if the USB port had enough current, it wouldn't help if you used the wrong lead. But microUSB cables are ubiquitous so you should only need to look as far as the one that comes with a new phone or tablet or device.
  • ElectrodudeElectrodude Posts: 1,669
    edited 2020-07-21 06:18
    You really shouldn't be doing that as root. Look up how to fix permissions on USB serial devices to make it work under your own user.
  • The cables that were supplied were 350mm long and study. There are many USB cables around but not all are up to scratch for high current but if it is short then there is more hope. So even if the USB port had enough current, it wouldn't help if you used the wrong lead. But microUSB cables are ubiquitous so you should only need to look as far as the one that comes with a new phone or tablet or device.

    That sounds like the cause. I bought my ES board through private connections because it is not so easy to deliver from Parallax directly to the EU. I look around for another cable and then let you know.
    Thanks for your effort.
  • You really shouldn't be doing that as root. Look up how to fix permissions on USB serial devices to make it work under your own user.

    Yes, I'll do it. I was root only for a fast test.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,270
    I note there is 2 Amp rated USB 2.0 cables on the market. Eg: ADATA Micro USB Sync & Charge

  • @"Peter Jakacki"
    The problem has now been solved. It was the USB cable. I got the cable suggested by @evanh.
    I am always happy about the help from the forum, even if I sometimes post something eccentrically.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,270
    Good to know.
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