Looking for a low res text VGA/DVI driver
in Propeller 2
I’m searching for a text-based video driver for small (7 inch?) displays that can run under @ersmith Flex suite. Specifically I am looking for text that could be readable by older (ahem) eyes from a few feet away. Perhaps a 640x480 driver that supports 40x15 text (or something along those lines) but I’m not fussy. DVI, VGA... its all good.
Any pointers or suggestions? Unfortunately, writing such a beast from scratch is currently beyond my talents.
Any pointers or suggestions? Unfortunately, writing such a beast from scratch is currently beyond my talents.
I would like both a 40 by 15 and a 50 by 24 screen layout VGA format - for our aging eyes
See my recent post on P2 i/o Workbench for your demos. It includes a file for the original P1 Font (a classic in 16x32 resolution) - and a 32 Custom User font array, for all your special font characters.
Let's do this.
The higher levels for drawing and text etc are in TAQOZ but to write the text render part of it in C or Spin should be easy enough.
The VGA text driver that comes with flexgui can handle 16x32 fonts (so a 40x15 text screen at 640x480) but it didn't have an example. I also see that the 640x480 demo had bit-rotted: sorry about that! I'll fix both of those issues in the next release, but for now here's a version where the 640x480 demo (basdemo.bas) defaults to a big font, and the 800x600 demo (demo.spin) to a small font.
The more complete version of the driver is at https://github.com/totalspectrum/p2_vga_text. That has some additional tools and examples, e.g. a utility to convert Unix .bdf font files into .bin files. The font layout is pretty straightfoward: it's a 1 bit per pixel image, FONT_WIDTH*256 wide and FONT_HEIGHT high, with all 256 possible characters.
The code is Spin 1 rather than Spin 2, but it shouldn't be hard to translate for those of you who need Spin 2.
Somehow I had missed the @ersmith driver, which is odd because I spend a lot of time crawling around in the FlexGUI distribution stuff.
@rogloh's driver is what I'm currently trying to get my head around.
@"Peter Jakacki" where can I find yours? Is the file you are referencing hereabouts?: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n979flsb9rjoclo/AAC73TZs9oObw0jYCb2ORbsoa/more/code/1080p_TileDriver_Test1e.spin2?dl=0