Using Alaonix 256x160 Smart LCD Display
A few days ago, I bought a 256x160 monochrome LCD display from
This is a very interesting and very powerful display. It has many functions that I have never encountered. I am studying intently. According to the product manual, it has 6 Extension Command:
A) It should be about the basic operation of the monitor.
F) Is to write any size text
G) Draw arbitrary geometric Lines, square, ellipse......
M) is the operation of MMC card, it can format, write data, save images.......
P) Needle function (This function is only for analog meter or clock)
E) Execute batch command, (I has not yet understood)
I just touch it, because there is too much content, I chose to test an image display function, Below is my test information: This test use Arduino code, I will post a BS module test code soon)
1) After power on, the screen displays Alaonix,

which I thought could not be cleared. However, I found that there is an autoexec file in the SD Card of this display, which is very similar to the DOS of the old computer. Open this file and find that it is the command information of the content displayed on the screen at boot. I changed him to Oldspring

This is the original code in SD Card:
This is my code:
2) I found an animated picture on the Internet and spent a lot of time to convert them into 1Bit BMP image.

3) Very simple procedure, you can complete a continuous animation
This is my test code:
This is my test video at Youtube:
The general feeling is that this LCD display module looks like an small computer
, and it has many operation commands similar to DOS. The product manual is very simple and require time to learn and test. Any new experience will be shared with you here!
A few days ago, I bought a 256x160 monochrome LCD display from
This is a very interesting and very powerful display. It has many functions that I have never encountered. I am studying intently. According to the product manual, it has 6 Extension Command:
A) It should be about the basic operation of the monitor.
F) Is to write any size text
G) Draw arbitrary geometric Lines, square, ellipse......
M) is the operation of MMC card, it can format, write data, save images.......
P) Needle function (This function is only for analog meter or clock)
E) Execute batch command, (I has not yet understood)
I just touch it, because there is too much content, I chose to test an image display function, Below is my test information: This test use Arduino code, I will post a BS module test code soon)
1) After power on, the screen displays Alaonix,

which I thought could not be cleared. However, I found that there is an autoexec file in the SD Card of this display, which is very similar to the DOS of the old computer. Open this file and find that it is the command information of the content displayed on the screen at boot. I changed him to Oldspring

This is the original code in SD Card:
ac,0,0 fa,12,50,30,2,1,0,Model 256160-50 fA,25,25,65,0,1,0,Alaonix
This is my code:

ac,0,0 fa,12,50,30,2,1,0,Load Images Test fA,24,25,65,0,1,0,Oldspring
2) I found an animated picture on the Internet and spent a lot of time to convert them into 1Bit BMP image.

3) Very simple procedure, you can complete a continuous animation
This is my test code:
/*============================================================== File........Load Image to LCD Display Test Display.....Alaonix 256x160 Smart LCD Dispaly Board.......Arduino Mege2560 Software....Arduino 1.8.13 MCU.........Mega2560 Auther......Oldspring Started..... Updated..... Note: MINIMUM CONNECTION: 5V <==========> Ala LCD 5V GND <==========> Ala LCD GND Arduino Tx <===> Ala LCD Rx =================== Parameter =============================*/ char Image[15] = {0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34,0x35,0x36,0x37,0x38,0x39,0x61,0x62,0x63,0x64,0x65}; void setup() { Serial.begin(19200); // start serial port at 19200 bps delay(1000); while (!Serial) { // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only } Serial.println("mr"); // Change to root direction delay(100); Serial.println("mj,cartoon"); // Change to image direction delay(200); } void loop() { Serial.println("ac,1,0"); delay(100); for (int j = 0; j <= 2; j++) { for (int i = 0; i <= 14; i++) { Serial.print("ML,8,0,0,0,ala_"); // Load Hours Race Image to buffer 0 Serial.println(Image[i]); delay(180);}} Serial.println("ac,0,0"); delay(100); for (int j = 0; j <= 2; j++) { for (int i = 0; i <= 14; i++) { Serial.print("ML,8,0,1,0,ala_"); // Load Hours Race Image to buffer 0 Serial.println(Image[i]); delay(180);}} }
This is my test video at Youtube:
The general feeling is that this LCD display module looks like an small computer
